Page 55 of No Chance

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"What are we looking for?" Sheriff Carter asked, his whispered voice full of frustration.

"Bingo," Valerie said in response as she laid her eyes on a door that said "dormitory" on it.

She turned to the sheriff. "Father Piper told us that Blanche was training to be a nun," Valerie said in hushed tones. "She'd never finished her training, and she'd been working at the diner for just five weeks."

"And that's why we're sneaking into a dormitory?"

"Yes and no," she answered. "There's a good chance there are young nuns in waiting in there. They probably were training with Blanche and might have a better idea of why she left and who might have killed her. Come on."

"I know better than this," he grumbled.

Sheriff Carter shook his head in disbelief and followed Valerie to the door. He knocked, and after a few moments, a young nun opened the door.

"Good evening," Sheriff Carter said politely. "My name is Glen Carter, and this is my colleague from the FBI, Agent Valerie Law. We were wondering if we might have a few moments of your time."

"I don't know, have you spoken with Father Piper?" the woman said timidly.

"Yes, he said it was fine," Valerie lied stepping past her into the dorm.

Sheriff Carter sighed.

The room was small, with just enough space for a dozen or so beds. The walls were painted white, and each bed had a simple wooden cross nailed to it above the headboard. Four nuns were there, and every one of them wore a long habit with black veils draped over their shoulders.

Valerie smiled and looked around. "Do any of you know Blanche?"

There were immediate suspicious looks between the young nuns in training. There was no time to be diplomatic.

"I'm afraid that Blanche was murdered several days ago," Valerie said.

There was an audible gasp and one nun, who looked no older than eighteen, burst into tears. Quickly the others tried to comfort her.

Valerie nodded to Sheriff Carter.

"Do you know Blanche?" Valerie asked the young nun.

The crying nun shook her head and said "yes" between sobs.

"Yes, I knew her. We were friends. We talked all the time when we could. Oh ... How could something like this happen?"

"What's your name?" Valerie asked in a gentle tone.

"Laura," she said, wiping the tears away.

"Laura," Valerie continued. "Do you know why Blanche left the convent?"

There were looks between the nuns again, and Valerie sensed that they were holding something back. She needed to push them.

"Laura, if you or anyone else here knows something, it might help us catch her killer," Valerie said stepping forward.

"He's killed more than once," Sheriff Carter added. "And he could kill again. You'd be saving lives."

Valerie was impressed. Sheriff Carter had instinctively gone for a point of persuasion, and it seemed to be working.

"Is there someone you know who might have hurt her?" Valerie asked.

Laura looked down at the ground and nodded.

"There is," she said finally. "His name is Ulrich Dale. He works in the building, and he pursued Blanche relentlessly. She kept rejecting him, and he grew angry with her."
