Page 3 of My Rebel Holidate

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Everything changes.

The air pressure from the doors shifts the atmosphere. The bars groan from the chill. There’s the smell of hot food making my mouth water, while the very air I just sucked in is escaping me quicker than I can retain the oxygen, making me dizzy.

Or maybe it’s the fact I just laid eyes on the prettiest thing on two legs that I’ve ever seen.

After stripping off a thick coat, an apron cinches her waist and jeans and a t-shirt cling to her like Michelangelo sculpted them from marble for her body alone. Strawberry blonde hair mussy from work but also curled back from her sweet face has my dick jumping to attention.

And what a sweet face it is. High cheekbones and full lips, but dramatic dark brows draw me into her eyes. They’re like finding the ocean in the middle of the mountains— seafoam green flecked with gold.

Any ideas of sleep are gone. I abandon my cot and lean casually on the bars, watching the wholesome beauty set a bulking brown bag on the sheriff’s desk. My lips purse, watching her laugh at something the sheriff says, her arm resting on his.

Too close, baby.

The sheriff stands. “I was just going to text you to see where you were.”

Is that why she’s here? Bringing her main squeeze some lunch?

Sheriff Briggs tucks his black cowboy hat on his head, giving it a seating wiggle. “Do me a favor, hand the food out to them? I’ve got—”

“Whatever you need, Sheriff Briggs.” She rolls her eyes when she turns and he can’t see it.

Please let it be a familial affection between them.

Fueling my hope, he ruffles her hair as he walks by, and she does a quick jab to his arm and it isn’t gentle.

“That’s a felony offense, missy.” He rubs his shoulder.

“Arrest me and you’re never getting a lunch special hand-delivered again.”

Fuck, she’s feisty. Suddenly, Storm Canyon is a little less shitty.

I scramble for a mirror as she rifles through the brown bag. Using water from the sink I hastily sweep my hair back, cringing at how in need of a shower I am. Still, the growth of stubble on my chin is doing me favors and as I grin at my reflection, I’m pleased enough.

I resume my position at the bars, casually leaning and waiting for her more than the food.

The girl sets down a meal in the cell beside mine. It’s occupant snores away, sleeping off the bender he was caught attempting the night before. She greets him by name even with him asleep, and that either means he’s a repeat offender or everyone in this town knows one another.

That’s something I’m not looking for.

“And for you nothing but our finest chili.” She sets down a Styrofoam cup, accompanied with a thick slice of bread and plastic spoon.

I crouch down to catch her eye, grinning. “I ordered the vegetarian dish, Miss.”

Her eyebrows rise and she is motionless, caught up in my gaze as much as I am in hers. They’re even prettier up close, her white shirt making the light hues of mint green pop even brighter.

How the hell does an off-the-grid mountain town like this have this siren?

“This is Storm Canyon, if you need a vegetarian meal then you’ll starve to death,” she quips, blinking out of her daze. “We’re in beef country. Hence… the chili. And you’ll live.”

I grip the bars, leaning in as close as I can without pressing my face into the cell barrier. “Too late, I think I’m having a medical situation coming on.”

She stills.

I continue, “I’ll be dying of a broken heart… if you don’t go out with me, cookie.”

Her laugh nearly puts me on my ass. Her eyes roam my seven by ten-foot prison and her lips tilt into a smile.

“You seem a bit preoccupied right now.” She straightens up and I leap to my feet in response. “Besides, I’ve… I’ve already got a hot,” she swallows uncomfortably for some reason, “date tonight.”
