Page 33 of Heart Broken Mate

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She squinted her eyes, confused at her.

“Don’t worry, you’ll meet him,” I said and realized too late that I had misspoken. There was no way she would meet Bonne unless I didn’t take her to the council. The truth was that it wasn’t my wish to take her back to the council. I would rather sit here with her and listen to all she has to say, take those ropes off her, andpull her closer to me. I want to smell her, kiss her and bite her gently on the lips. I swallowed my wants and focused on how to get her back to the council so she could face her punishment, and then I would go to Bonne and celebrate the ascension of his son.

We were quiet for a long time, and the awkwardness grew between us. She pointed at the bread after a while, and I put another piece into her mouth. She asked for a drink of water, and I gave her one.

“I didn’t kill people when I ascended, but I almost did,” she said finally, and I looked up at her—waiting for her to continue. She sighed and rested against the tree. “I knew what I was since I was way younger and was expecting it, but it came two years early.”

“When you were eleven?”


“Oh my god, that must have been traumatizing.”

“Even though I knew what was happening. It was unnerving. Before my parents died, they told me about it, what happened, and how to prepare. Sometimes, I think they prepared me for a time when they wouldn’t be here. It was almost like they knew something was going to happen to them.”

“What happened to them?”

“They were killed,” she said and looked away. “That’s all I am saying about it.”

I didn’t push further. She was tied up and telling me about her ascension. I guess that was more than I could ask for. So, I simply just listened to her.

“I got in trouble with these bullies. It made me hide in a house for a long time, thinking they would have forgotten about me by the time I got out, but they didn’t. They found me, beat me up, and left me bleeding in the streets. When I felt my body shake, I knew what was happening, and I calmed down. I did all my parents taught me, but I wasn’t prepared for the rush of hunger that came after. I was filled with so much hate I thought I was going to explode. And it was hate for the people that had bullied me. I found them and beat them up. I broke a couple of bones, chipped some teeth out, and even might have even severed a limb. I don’t know. It was all a blur, but when I left, they never messed with me again. I became a pariah, but it was worth it.”

I couldn’t take my eyes off her as she said those last parts. Her eyes had glowed unconsciously, which meant she still harbored hate for those kids. And the tone of her voice sent chills down her spine. I could see why James wanted her to become the alpha after him. She was fierce and fiery. Those hunters out there would never have stood a chance with her. I would never have stood a chance with her if I wasn’t cursed and blessed with my pedigree.

“Why did you kill your Alpha?” I asked her finally. The one question I had been looking to avoid. I didn’t want to know because I didn’t want to get involved. I wanted to take Bonne’s advice and stay away from it all, at least as far as I could get. But I had come out for this hunt because I wanted to know, and the urge to know took over.

“It was an accident,” she said and looked sat a bit. “I never intended to kill him. We got into a fight, and he died.”

“A fight over what?”

She looked at me long and hard, and I could see she was contemplating telling me, but in the end, she just shook her head.

“Nothing important,” she said. “You know this is all your fault,” she added.


“Yes. If you hadn’t rejected me, I wouldn’t have been in the Palace that late, and we wouldn't have gotten into a fight.”

I chuckled. “Tell me, what were you thinking doing that?”

She shook her head. “I don’t know. It just came out. I just felt right to say. What about you? What are you doing in these woods hunting down a pack member? And don’t tell me it is because of the money or the deal you made with Viper. We both know that is bullshit. Tell me the real reason.”

“I don’t know,” I told her. “It just felt like the right thing to do. After what happened in the afternoon, I just wanted to know more about you. Then I heard you killed your Alpha, and the interest spiked.”

“You won’t get to know much about me if I remain bound. Cut the ropes.”

I smiled at her and shook my head. “You will run if I do that.”

“I won’t,” she said.

“You know that’s a lie. You killed an alpha. You should answer for that. It’s not my place to let you go.”

“It’s not your place to bring me to justice either!”

“I am not bringing you to justice. I am bringing you to the people that’ll determine what that is.”

“You know what will happen to me if you hand me over to the council, don’t you?”
