Page 40 of Heart Broken Mate

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“Good,” I said.

“But not tonight,” Bonne added. “I have to go back upstairs, or Nellie will kill me. You two okay sharing a bedroom?” Bonne asked, staring right at me. I could see the implicit question in his voice.

“Yes,” I answered, and he nodded. I just answered two questions.

“Alright. There’s a bathroom in there, and I am sure there are robes in the closet. Nellie cleaned it up two weeks ago, so I am sure you will be fine.”

He stood up like he was about to leave but then stopped and looked at the two of us. “What happened out there, Luke?” he asked.

“A lot,” I answered. “But let’s just say she didn’t snap and kill her Alpha. She killed a child trafficker who also happened to be her Alpha.”

Bonne looked confused and had some more questions, but he needed to return to the room, so he bid us farewell and returned upstairs, leaving us to ourselves. I led Hayley into the spare bedroom and showed her the bathroom. I turned down the bed while she prepared to go into the bathroom.

“I don’t like that we’re inconveniencing your friend,” she said as she stood by the door to the bathroom.

“Don’t worry about Bonne. He’ll forget all about it tomorrow when he starts going through his books.”

“Still, we could have just found an inn or something.”

“I came here because I know we’ll be safe. Bonne has precautions he takes against unwanted visitors. Humans andwerewolves. We are fine in here. He knows that. Now, go bathe. Don’t worry about it.”

She sighed and walked into the bathroom. I watched her go in and finished the work in the room. I wondered briefly what Bonne would have for us tomorrow. I know that he will be up before the others working on finding clues regarding the pendant. He’d always asked me to allow him to search for what it might mean when I found the other half, but I have never been interested because finding out would somehow translate to the pendant leading my life. If I found out it was supposed to be something important, I would spend my life looking for the other half. What happens if I don’t find it before I die? Then I would have lived as a failure. Now, he must be glad he finally gets to unearth the mystery. And not only that, he now has the complete pendant.

Hayley came out of the bathroom with the robe wrapped around her, and it was my turn to have a bath. It was nice to finally wash off the dirt and smell from spending days in the woods and from the injury and blood too.

I touched my side, which now had a little scar, and smiled at it. It was the second scar on my body. The first, I got fighting men that the Tarloux family sent after me. Men that were after the pendant. After my bath, I put on the bathrobe available and walked into the bedroom. Hayley was on the bed, looking at a picture she picked off the dresser. It was one of Bonne and me. We were much younger in there, and his father was still alive.

“You’ve changed a lot,” Hayley said as I sat on the bed beside her.

“We were so young back then. I had just left my mother then. She basically threw me out. She wanted me to go out there and discover myself. I found Bonne and his father. We spent so much time in the woods, looking for herbs and dead animals. That was how I got so good at climbing trees.”

“He’s your oldest friend, then?”

“Bonne? Yes. I trust the man with my life.”

“You think he feels slighted that you didn’t put much consideration into coming here?”

I took the frame from her and returned it to the table, then held her hand. “Are you still worried about that?”

“Just a bit. I’ve learned not to stay somewhere I am not welcome. It keeps me out of trouble.”

“Well, I am welcome here. And anywhere I am welcomed, you are too. Bonne knows that, and he would dispute your welcome here.”

She sighed. “If you say so.”

“Yes, I say so,” I said and pulled her closer to me, lifting her chin up slightly with my thumb and opening her lips slightly. I leaned in and kissed her. She inched closer to me, and my hands moved from her cheeks, following down the side of her face until they got to her shoulders. She shivered under my touch and bit gently on my lips as my hand found her bare shoulder and pulled the robe down. It didn’t give way immediately, so I pulled her closer to me, my lips traveling down her neck as I pulled the string holding the robe together. It spilled open, and she was naked underneath.

The view of her sitting there on my lap made me pause. She was gorgeous. Her hair was slick and wet, but it still flowed gently to her shoulders. Her eyes were closed, and her mouth opened in a little moan that urged me on. I laid her back on the bed, and she opened her eyes to look at me. The hunger and need in them couldn’t have been more obvious, but I wanted to look at her. I wanted to drink her all in. I helped her out of the robe until she was totally naked before me. She wanted to shy away, covering up herself with her hand.

“Don’t do that,” I told her.

“I’m shy,” she said and struggled to keep her hand from her body.

“Don’t be,” I said as I moved in closer to her and kissed her on the forehead and then on her lips. I felt her relax a bit. “You’re lovely, and I want to look at you.”

She shifted her face away from me, blushing, but I pulled it back to me and kissed her again. The yearning had increased twofold since the last time she kissed her, and there was an urgency in the way she wrapped her hands around my head and pulled me further down as though she couldn’t get enough of me.

I didn’t want to rush. I wanted to savor this. If Bonne finds the clue about the pendant, we will have to leave again and then be on the run. Who knows when next we will have the chance to do this. I wanted to touch every part of her body and memorize them so I could think of them when I closed my eyes. No, we weren’t going to rush this. We would enjoy every moment of it and let the pleasure build up in her.
