Page 128 of Meet Dare

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I rush to my car before he changes his mind and calls the police on me. No thanks. I’ve had enough clashes with police for a lifetime. Winter Falls is going to be different.

In the end, I don’t need the squirrel owner’s instructions. All I need to do is follow the crowd of people on their way to Cassandra’s. I figure I’ll end up parking a mile away, but there are hardly any cars in Winter Falls. The town is famous for being carbon neutral, whatever that means.

The nerves kick in again once I’m standing next to my car scanning the crowd for a familiar face. I don’t know why I’m nervous. A crowd full of strangers never bothered me before.

Because it’s Cassandra.My subconscious is ever so helpful. Not.

“Over here,” Gabrielle shouts and waves me toward where she’s standing with Phoenix and a goat.

“Is that a goat?”

Gabrielle scratches behind its ear. “This is Pan.”

I shake my head. This town is weird.

“Where’s Cassandra?”

She points to the forest behind the house. “They’re ‘talking’.”

I spot a bar across the lawn. “I’m getting a drink.”

“Grab me a ginger ale.”

I nod before making my way through the crowd. I don’t make it to the bar.

“What the hell are you doing here?” The police officer who pulled me over the first time I drove into Winter Falls asks.

I scowl at him. There’s nothing illegal about attending this party. Trust me. I would know. I’m an expert in what’s legal and what’s not. I decide to feign confusion. Being blonde has its advantage.

“What am I doing here? Cassandra is my sister. What are you doing here?”

His answer isn’t verbal. Instead, he grasps my arm and drags me away from the crowd.

I yank my arm from his grip. “You have no excuse to manhandle me. I’m not doing anything wrong.”

He bends close and hisses at me, “I looked into you.”

I clap. “Good job. You’re a police officer and you know how to run a background check. Your mamma must be very proud.”

“Your sarcasm is duly noted.”

“Are you going to write down how sarcastic I am in your little notebook?” I make my eyes big. “I’m scared.”

“You’re going to ruin your sisters’ lives.”

I flinch. Shit. Talk about going for the jugular.

“It’s none of your business.”

It’s not. He may be a police officer in Winter Falls, but being a cop doesn’t give him the right to butt his nose into my private family situation.

“It is when you bring your troubles to town.”

I open my arms wide. “What troubles? I’ve brought nothing to town.”

Except for a super expensive electric car, but I have a feeling pointing that out will not help this situation.Hey, Police Officer, not only am I trouble, but I have money. Words no cop ever wants to hear. Been there. Done that.

“You don’t need to bring anything. You’re trouble all by yourself.”
