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“It is disturbing,” he finally managed to say.

Quickly, Geeps guided them off that road. Immediately, Alex’s mood seemed to brighten.

“I didn’t realize how lucky we are to have JJ shielding us from that. It only makes me more determined to help her find the happiness she deserves.”

They finally arrived at the college and found the history department. After a few inquiries, they located the office.

“Excuse me.” Alex twirled a strand of her hair as she measured her next words. “But I was wondering…” She flashed her eyes at Blake.

“You’re the one who said we were going to tell the truth.”

Alex winced at the reminder.

The receptionist looked up from her computer. “May I help you?”

Alex hesitated so Blake jumped right in—ready to tell The Truth. Their perspective of it, at least.

“Why, yes you can.” Then he looked around. “But is there somewhere a little more private we can speak? Where random people would be less likely to walk in on us?”

At that moment, a balding, older man emerged from a nearby office and approached with a stack of folders. He acknowledged their presence.

“Excuse me. I just want to steal Deb for one minute. Here are potential candidates to fill in for Dr. Kalinger this term. He won’t be able to return. Please call these to see how many are available and schedule them for an interview with me as soon as possible.”

As the man turned to go, the receptionist replied, “Wouldn’t JJ be the logical choice?”

She quirked an eyebrow. He laughed.

“Don’t even play that game with me, Deb. I know darn well you listened in on my conversation with JJ earlier this morning. And you know she said no.”

He turned to them and thanked them for their patience. Once again, he turned to go, but stopped and gave them another look.

“Either of you have college teaching experience? I’m looking for a good prof for this term. The best just turned me down.”

“Sir,” Alex spoke up. The man turned his attention toward her. “You must be Dr. Chare.”

He nodded. “Actually, that’s why we’re here—about JJ.”


“This is a little difficult to explain. And she would kill us if she knew we were here. But we really think she should be teaching this term. We think that it would, uh—”

Blake jumped in. “We think it would not only refresh her skills at teaching, but the change would enhance her creativity as well.”

Chare smiled. He looked to Deb who simply shrugged.

“Okay, let’s take this into my office. Deb, I have a feeling you should come in, too. This sounds like some type of conspiracy that’s going to need your devious mind. And, of course, I mean that as a compliment.”

The four of them entered his office and he closed the door. He beckoned them to sit as he sat behind his large mahogany desk.

“I’m not buying the enhancing of creativity. So just tell me straight. First, who are and what are you up to?”

Alex stammered, so Blake jumped in, even though he had little faith in the idea. He laid all the cards, well, almost all of them—on the table.

He introduced them as JJ’s cousin and fiancé from Kansas. Then set the scene for Chare and Debbie. “So, you see, JJ needs to take this position in order to force her to interact with Professor Cooper. I realize, sir, that matchmaking isn’t normally part of your job description, but you’ve also already admitted she’s the best candidate for the job.”

Alex finally spoke. “You’d be accomplishing two very worthwhile goals. You’d have the best person working in the position. And, as an added bonus, you’d have the satisfaction of helping a loving relationship blossom.”

At that Deb broke into laughter. “It’s anything but loving yet, from the way Professor Cooper acts.”
