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After the girls helped me with my wedding dress, there was a knock at the door.

“Grandma!” Lily exclaimed.

“Look at you, darling. You look like a princess. Hello girls.” Aunt Barb walked in.

“Hi, Aunt Barb,” we all spoke.

“Hi, Grandma Barb,” Ella spoke.

“Oh, Georgia. You look gorgeous.” She smiled. “You have brought such joy into Jackson’s life, and I don’t believe I ever thanked you for that.”

Shit. The tears were starting up again.

“Anyway, I just wanted to check on all of you beautiful girls and ask if you need anything.”

“We haven’t seen you in a while. Where have you been hiding?” Jenni asked her.

“I’ve been busy, dear.”

“With your new man?”

“Yes. He makes me very happy.”

“Just a few short months ago, Ian made you very happy, Barb.” Jenni popped her lips.

“Jennifer Kind.” Barb’s brow raised. “Whatever it is you want to say or ask, get it over with now.”

“No. I don’t have anything to say or ask.”

“Your expression tells me otherwise. Anyway, I won’t discuss him around my grandchildren. You’ll meet him after the ceremony. By the way, Georgia, I heard you were originally going to Cabo for your honeymoon and then changed it at the last minute.”


“Yeah. That was all Jackson’s doing. He remembered I said once that I wanted to go to Greece. So, he canceled Cabo and booked Greece instead. I was in total shock.” A fake and lying smile crossed my lips.

“That’s too bad. Henry booked us a trip to Cabo, and we’re leaving tomorrow. That would have been so nice to spend some time with you and Jackson there.”

“Oh.” I pouted. “That would have been really fun.”

“I’ll see you girls at the ceremony.” She smiled as she left the suite.

“And the Academy Award for best actress in the lying category goes to Dr. Georgia Scott, soon to become Dr. Georgia Scott-Kind,” Nikki shouted.

“Woohoo. Yay! Woohoo,” all the girls shouted at the same time.

“Shut up.” I laughed. “Did you want me to tell her that we canceled because we knew she and Henry would be there?”

“Yeah,” Jenni said. “I would have loved to have seen the look on her face.”

“You’re mean,” Grace said to her.

“I know. It’s these pregnancy hormones. I really can’t help it.” A smirk crossed her lips.

* * *


As the guys and I were standing in my suite, having a glass of nerve-calming scotch, there was a knock at the door. Simon walked over and opened it to find Aunt Barb standing there.
