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“I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you. I take it your father is still in Hawaii?”

“Yes. He visits every now and again. My brother and I try to get back to Hawaii when we can. With my schedule as a trauma surgeon, it’s harder for me to go.”

“I remember all too well the days of residency/fellowship. You basically have no life.”

“So true.” He held up his glass, and I tapped mine against it. “Do you have a family—a wife and kids?”

“I have a beautiful fiancée. We’re getting married in June.”

“Nice.” He smiled.


“Oh God, no.” He laughed. “With my work, there’s no time for that. Besides, relationships really aren’t my thing.”

“Yeah. Well, they weren’t my thing, either.”

“But you’re getting married.”

“It’s a long story. All I can say is when you meet that one woman who knocks the life out of you, you make all the time in the world for her.” The corners of my mouth curved upward.

“I’m happy for you, Jackson.”

“Thanks. So, what are your plans once your fellowship ends?”

“I’m staying on at Mass General. I like it there and the people. Plus, my brother is there.”

“I can imagine how close you are, especially being twins.”

“We are as close as two people can be. We’re the only family we have.”

“Really?” I furrowed my brows.

“Yeah. It’s just our dad and us. My mom passed away when we were babies.”

“Oh, gee. I’m sorry to hear that.”

“Thanks. It was a long time ago.”

“Your father never remarried?” I asked.

“My father never married to begin with. He and my mother weren’t married. As for the other women that popped in and out of our lives over the years, he never committed to any of them.”

“I take it your father was an only child?”

“Yeah. He was. His parents passed away when he was younger, and that’s when he moved to Hawaii.”

“What about your mom’s family?” I asked.

“From what we were told, she didn’t have any either. It’s always just been the three of us.”

“Well, at least you have your brother. I couldn’t imagine not having my brothers or my cousins. They are more brothers to us than our cousins. In fact, we all live on the same stretch of the beach next to each other—all nine of us.”

“Damn.” He grinned. “That would be so cool. I always imagined what it would be like to have a big family.”

“It’s great. Call me if you ever visit Los Angeles, and I’ll have you over to meet the family.”
