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“Because you will find out at your gender reveal party tomorrow, Nathan.” I arched my brow. “The only person who is going to know is me.” I grinned. “Come on. Let’s go see your baby.”

I placed the transducer on Sofia’s belly and turned the monitor out of their sight until I confirmed the gender of the baby.

“Nice strong heartbeat.” I smiled. “Shit.”

“You said a bad word, Aunt Georgia.”

“Sorry.” I sighed.

“What’s wrong?!” Nathan exclaimed.

“Nothing.” I turned the monitor towards them. “I can’t tell the gender with how the baby is positioned.”

“Oh, my God.” Tears sprung to Sofia’s eyes. “Look at how big our baby is getting.”

“I’ll take all the measurements first, and then we’ll have to try and get him or her to move. Ella, can you run to the kitchen and grab a banana for Sofia?”

“Yeah. I’ll be right back.” She grinned.

“Your baby is perfect and growing right on schedule.” The corners of my mouth curved upward.

The door to the ultrasound room opened, and Conner stepped inside, holding Ella.

“I ran into this little muffin in the kitchen. One banana for the pregnant lady.” He grinned. He set Ella down and stared at the monitor. “Wow. That is one good-looking kid. You made that?” He glanced at Nathan.

“Shut up, douchebag.” Nathan chuckled.

“Congrats to you both. I have a patient to see. I can’t wait to find out tomorrow what you’re having.” He walked out of the room.

“It’s starting to move!” Ella exclaimed, and I quickly turned the monitor away from them.

“Okay, little one. Show me what you have or don’t have.” I stared intently at the monitor. “Crap.” I shook my head. “Your little one is stubborn.”

Ella placed her hand on Sofia’s belly and started to shake it.

“Ella, what are you doing?” Nathan grabbed her hand.

“It’s okay, Nathan. Let her do it. The baby is moving.”

“See, Dad. The baby loves me.”

“Got it!” I grinned.

After Sofia and Ella left and Nathan returned to his office, Jenni and Shaun were in the exam room waiting for me.

“Hey, you two.”

“Boy or girl?” Jenni grinned.

“You’ll just have to wait to find out tomorrow like everyone else.”

“You’re no fun.” She pouted.

“Are you ready to hear your baby’s heartbeat?”

“More than ready,” Shaun said.

I placed the doppler on Jenni’s belly and pressed down. Moving it around, I picked up the baby’s heartbeat.
