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“I love you too, babe.”

I was getting to the medical center early for Emilia because today was the day of her pelvic ultrasound. We both pulled into the parking lot at the same time.

“Hey.” I smiled as we each climbed out of our cars. “Are you ready?”

“I have to pee so bad, Georgia.”

“I know. I promise to be as quick as I can.”

I led her to the ultrasound room and had her change into a gown while I prepared.

“Did Sebastian question you about leaving so early?” I asked.

“No. I don’t think he even realized what time it was when I kissed him.” She laughed. “He didn’t get home last night until after one a.m. He’s been working so hard getting the Brewhouse ready for next weekend.”

“Poor guy. Everything will calm down once it opens.” I smiled. “Okay. Let’s get this ultrasound done so you can pee.”

I stared at the monitor as I performed the ultrasound.

“I don’t like that look on your face,” Emilia said.

“There’s nothing to be alarmed about.”

“I knew it. I knew there was something wrong.” She shook her head and brought her hand up to her face.

I finished the ultrasound and turned on the light as Emilia sat up on the table. Walking over to her, I grabbed hold of her hand.

“Listen to me. I don’t want you to panic or get upset. It looks like you have a blockage in your right fallopian tube and what looks like some endometriosis. Unfortunately, the ultrasound doesn’t provide a good enough image. So, the best option is for me to go in and do a laparoscopy. That way, I can unblock your tube and see what else is going on in there.”

“Great. Now I have to tell Sebastian what’s happening, and this isn’t a good time.”

“Then wait until after the opening of the Brewhouse.”

“Would you do the laparoscopy downstairs in the surgical center?”

“Yes.” I smiled. “Then you can go home and be pampered like a queen for a couple of days.”

“I’m scared, Georgia. What if I can’t get pregnant?”

“Excuse me?” I arched my brow. “Who do you think you’re talking to?”

She let out a light laugh. “I know. I’m sorry.”

“You are in the hands of the best OB/GYN and fertility specialist around. You’re getting pregnant, Emilia.” I hugged her. “You better get dressed. The crew will be showing up soon and start asking questions.”

“You didn’t say anything to Jackson, right?”

“No. Of course not. You know I can’t. But you will not go through this alone. Every single one of us in this family is here to support you.”

After Emilia dressed and used the bathroom, we went to the kitchen area for a cup of coffee.

I was standing at the reception desk when the door opened, and Sofia, Nathan, and Ella walked in.

“Good morning, you three.” I grinned. “Are you ready to see your baby?”

“I can’t wait!” Ella exclaimed.

“I’m pretty excited, but I don’t understand why we can’t find out the sex today,” Nathan spoke.
