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“Yeah. It’s a brain tumor,” Conner said. “What about it?”

“It’s embedded in the brainstem of my patient. It’s inoperable because it’s impossible to get at.”

“Okay?” Christian spoke. “I can see that. Wow.”

“Aunt Barb is demanding that I try to remove it.”

“What?” Conner’s eyes widened.

“It’s not hers. It’s—”

“Curtis?” Nathan asked.

“No.” I stared at the three of them.

“Spit it the fuck out, bro,” Conner snapped.

“It’s our Uncle Ian.”

“Who?” Nathan frowned. “We don’t have an Uncle Ian.”

“Oh, but we do.” My brows raised. “Our father’s brother.”

“The only brother our father had was Uncle Henry,” Conner said.

“That’s what he wanted us to believe. Now, come to find out, there was another brother. One that was kept from us our entire lives.”

“Wait. I’m confused?” Christian shook his head.

“Uncle Ian is the man Aunt Barb is seeing, and he has a brainstem glioma and has about six months to live. He told me that he was a lot of trouble back in the day. Aunt Barb is going to tell us the rest after I talk with our cousins. She seems to think it will soften the blow. So, she’s leaving me to do the dirty work.”

“Jesus Christ.” Conner downed his scotch and walked out of the room.

A moment later, he walked back in with the liquor bottle.

“Let me see if I can get this shit straight,” Conner said as he refilled his glass. “Our father had another brother and never told us. He led us to believe it was only he and Uncle Henry our whole lives. Correct?”

“Correct.” I nodded.

“Aunt Barb left her husband and is now seeing a man who is our long-lost uncle, and he has a brain tumor that’s killing him.”

“You are correct.”

“And Aunt Barb wants you to save him by removing the inoperable tumor?”

“Yes.” I nodded.

“Hold on a second!” Nathan snapped. “The two doctors you met in Boston at Mass General.”

“Yes, brother. Grayson and Gabriel are Ian’s sons and our cousins.”

“Holy shit,” Christian spoke.

“Bro, if the tumor is inoperable, there’s nothing you can do,” Conner said.

“Aunt Barb laid into me. She said if it were Georgia or any of you, I would move heaven and earth to save you. Then she said he’s family, and we don’t turn our backs on our family.”

“Well, she does have a point,” Nathan said.
