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I glanced at Shaun, and he sat there shaking his head.

“She wanted me to tell you she’s bringing him to the wedding.” I quickly brought the bottle to my lips.

“Hell no! Nope. Nope. Not happening.” Simon shook his head.

Charlotte walked over.

“Hey, babe. What’s up?” Conner held out his arms, and she sat on his lap.

“Georgia told me about Aunt Barb and Henry. I felt I had to come out here and have a chat with all of you because I know you and how you’d react. Listen, boys. Your Mom just suffered a loss—two losses, actually. She lost Curtis and Ian. People handle loss differently. She’s the type of person who needs to be with someone immediately to mask the tremendous amount of pain she’s feeling. It’s her way of coping.”

“His name is Henry, Charlotte?” Simon spoke in a stern voice.

“You can’t go by his name, only by the person he is. And obviously, Barb saw something in him to want to see him.”

“Really, babe. Cause just the other night when we were talking, I told you I really liked the name Brianna, and you said no way in hell you’d ever name your kid that because you hated a Brianna in school.”

“Shut up, Connor. That’s different. She was a bully and a liar. Plus, she stole a guy I really liked.”

“And how is that different from my father?” Simon asked. “Let’s be real. He was a bully, a liar, a cheater, a manipulator—”

“Okay. That’s enough,” Sam said. “We get the point, bro.”

“All I’m saying is don’t judge the man based on his name,” Charlotte said. “The five of you have daddy issues, which were never resolved. I want to see you all individually at my office.”

“We have more than just daddy issues.” Stefan chuckled.

“Whatever you do, don’t sit on the couch.” Nathan smiled.

“Shut up, douchebag,” Conner said.

“So, this is what’s going to happen. She’s bringing this Henry guy to the wedding, and you’re all going to be respectful and cordial to him. It is not that man’s fault that his name is Henry, and he happens to like your mother. Stop turning this situation into a problem, and stop being dramatic. Got it?”

“Yes, Charlotte,” all of them spoke at the same time.

“Good.” She climbed off Conner’s lap and walked away.

We all sat there in silence as if we’d just been scolded by a parent.

“Okay. Who’s gonna play first?” Simon asked as he picked up his guitar. “The only way to forget about this bullshit situation is with music.”

Georgia walked over as we played music, kicked back a few beers, and talked.

“Hey. You guys look like you’re having fun. Can I join you?”

“Sure, babe.” I held my arms out to her, and she sat on my lap.

I said something to the guys, and Georgia looked at me.

“That’s funny. Are you done now?”

“What?” I laughed. “In a bit, babe.”

We continued talking, and I took the last sip of my beer.

“Your beer is gone. Are you done now?”

“I’m going to have one more.” I furrowed my brows. “What’s the rush?”
