Page 6 of Taking Turns

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“I don’t know.” Axel glances over at me. His brows pull together, making me think he’s worried about something.

“What?” I ask, confused. “What kind of test?”

“Pregnancy,” Levi answers. I suck in a breath. Yeah, I’ve been thinking about that too.

“And if I’m pregnant?”

“Then maybe we can head back home,” he responds with an easy shrug of his broad shoulders.

“I don’t understand.” I chew on my bottom lip, now sure where this is all going.

“If you’re pregnant, you can’t leave us,” Brad grits out.

“Why are you mad?” I wrap my arms around myself, not wanting Brad to be upset with me. It’s one thing when it’s play, but he’s really worked up.

It dawns on me suddenly. They’ve been trying to get me pregnant. A thrill of excitement runs through me. For the past week, all I could think about was having a life with the three of them, but I didn’t think it was possible. That it could exist outside of this cabin.

“Cool it,” Levi barks at Brad. Walking over to the bed, he lifts me into his arms, only to turn and sit me down into his lap. “He’s not mad.” I’m not so sure that’s true because Brad might have stopped shouting, but now he’s pacing. “He’s worried.”

“Why?” I ask, still confused.

“That you’ll leave us.” Axel speaks up from beside us.

“She’s not leaving us. Period, end of discussion. She’s ours,” Brad shouts, looking ready to fight.

“I don’t want to leave. In fact I’m scared that when we leave here I’ll have to go back home.” I admit my own fears. Levi grips my chin, guiding me to look him in the eyes.

“Your home is with us. When you leave here, you go home with us. That is your new home now. It has been since I bought the place. Like Brad said, you’re ours. Have been for a while. We've been planning and waiting.”

“Really?” Emotions bubble up inside me.

“We love you, little bit.” Brad speaks again, his tone softer this time.

“Will you all belong to me? Do I have to share you the way you share me?”

“Babe, you’ve owned us. There is no one else and there will be no one else,” Axel says, shaking his head like the notion of there being someone else is crazy.

“What will people think?” I look at Levi.

“We don’t give a fuck. All we care about is us. This family, and to make us a family, you have to be in the center.” I start to speak but Levi cuts me off. “There will be no going back. I need you to understand that. If you try to leave, we will hunt you down and bring you back.”

“Don’t threaten me with a good time.” I smirk.

“Look who’s getting sassy on us now.” Brad chuckles. “I like it.”

“You only like it because you want to punish me,” I say tartly.

“You know me well, li’l bit.” Brad palms his cock over his jeans. Levi’s cock is hard, too, pressing into my bare ass. Levi leans down and kisses me hard and possessively. When his mouth leaves mine, it’s replaced with Brad’s, who gives a small nip to my bottom lip before Axel is there licking the spot Brad bit, soothing it with his sweetness.

I feel something slip onto my finger when Axel pulls back. I stare down at the ring with a pink stone surrounded by three diamonds. It’s perfect. It’s not only me; it's them. All of us.

“Time to celebrate.” Levi stands, putting me on my feet. I’m naked with only the ring on.

“Couldn’t agree more.” Brad walks over and swings the front door open. “I’ve been dying for this hunt since we got here.” He licks his lips, his eyes filled with hunger.

“You got a three-minute head start, babe,” Axel tells me. I don’t want to run from them, but my body heats at the idea of them hunting me down because I know they will come for me.

“Go,” Levi orders, smacking my ass.

“I love you,” I shout before I bolt out the door, knowing their three-minute head start is a lie. They won’t make it that long.

I’m not wrong. They’re on me when I barely break through the tree line into the forest, my feet leaving the ground before I’m pinned to it. It’s where I stay while they keep taking their turns.


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