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“Killian.” I begged, “Oh, fuck, please Killian.”

He buried his face into the crook of my neck and goosebumps broke out across his flesh. Together, we moved back and forth against each other, his pace quickening, and his breathing getting more ragged. I buried my face in his chest to keep from screaming as I approached my climax. Killian threw his head back and emptied himself into me. Pumping every last drop of himself into me while I exploded into ecstasy.

As we slowed, our hips melted into one another, and he laid on top of me while I panted and tried to catch my breath. He looked at me intently before flexing his cock inside of me. I gasped, as I continued to come down from my high, making him chuckle.

“How was that for your second time?” He smirked.

I struggled to form words, as I shook my head “Oh Killian, what am I going to do with you?”

He eased out and stood up, his cock glistening and standing at attention. As I looked at it wide eyed, it dawned on me that we were still in the office. Had someone walked by, had someone seen us? Before I could vocalize the thought, Killian scooped me up and set me on the desk. He kissed me again, his mouth exploring mine, and intoxicating me further. I sunk my nails into his shoulders and sighed.

When the need for air became too great, Killian wrenched his lips away and spun me around as he knocked the paperwork off his desk, bending me over it. I caught a brief glimpse of my reflection in the mirror, stunned at how wild and confident I looked. With his foot he spread my legs apart, the length of him pressing into me.

“Again?” I breathed in surprise.

“I said I was going to take my time with you, didn’t I?”

I wiggled my hips back to meet him, as he rubbed himself on my ass. With one swift motion he grabbed my wrists, holding them behind me, and positioned himself at my entrance.

With his other hand he reached around to stroke my bundle of nerves while he entered me. I moaned in pleasure, not knowing if I could handle a third orgasm after two such intense ones. The ecstasy of his hand wedged between the desk and me, driving me over the edge once more while he thrust into me, the new position giving me even more new sensations. The feeling of absolute freedom and ecstasy as I watched my face in the mirror as I rocked back and forth on the desk, with each thrust. The hot feeling continued to build in me as I wondered if we would get caught.

* * *

For the restof the night, Killian and I explored each other, taking and giving in equal pleasure, until we collapsed onto the carpet on the floor. But not before he had gotten a warm washcloth from the bathroom, and cleaned me up first. He had emptied himself into me fully, until there was nothing left, and I was equally impressed by his virility, as I was by the way he tenderly cleaned me up afterward. Actually, I was stunned. After all our clawing and pounding each other, it had suddenly seemed so much more intimate to have him wash himself off of me.

I listened to the sound of his breathing rising and falling around me. In the distance, cars honked, and dogs howled at the moon. I shivered when he draped an arm over my shoulders and tucked me into his side. With a sigh, I lifted my head up to look at him, but his eyes were squeezed shut. He had a thin sheen of sweat on his forehead, and a smile hovering on the edge of his lips.

One eye popped open and regarded me thoughtfully. When his other eye opened, the butterflies in my stomach erupted, and I held myself still. He lifted his head up and pressed a quick kiss to my lips. I sighed into his mouth and lowered myself back onto the carpeted floor. While a part of me considered I might regret this in the morning, especially considering how we both got here, for now, I just wanted to enjoy being in Killian’s arms.

I wanted to enjoy Killian’s body curled around mine, with a leg draped over me, and the smell of his sweat and cologne wafting up my nostrils. I wanted to enjoy how it felt to be pressed against him, basking in the warm afterglow of being with him.

Because, as much as it scared me to admit it, I had never felt safer in my whole life.



I’d spentthe entire morning thinking of Meghan.

Every attempt I made to get her out of my mind backfired ended up with me replaying our night together. Over and over, I kept seeing the two of us together in her office, pawing at each other and ripping our clothes off. While a part of me had tried to keep my word to Serena and keep from falling down the same rabbit hole, another part of me was relieved it hadn’t been a fluke.

Meghan felt the same way I did.

I had seen it in her eyes as I moved inside of her, and I had felt it in her touch, hesitant at first then slowly growing more and more confident. By the time we'd moved to her desk for round three, Meghan had abandoned all of her boundaries and control in order to give in to me.

We had moved together with wild and reckless abandon.

I had never felt anything like it, and I knew it was because of Meghan.

As I stood underneath the shower head, I couldn’t stop thinking about Meghan’s mouth all over me, her fingers gliding over my skin, and the smell of her, lingering on my skin even now. I kept going over every single moment, I was coming to the realization that everything was different between us.

We couldn’t go back.

I didn’t want to.

Not if it meant having to pretend that Meghan didn’t mean as much as she did, or that the fire that burned between us was real. While I was sure that Serena wasn’t going to be happy that I’d gone back on my word and messed around with her friend, again, I also hoped that she would understand.

In time.
