Page 51 of I Want You

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It was 6:56pm.

She wasn’t here.


I tried to bat away any tears that may be lurking. Turning to look at the food boards that had been put out, I looked down at the prawns then the next platter, on a bed of ice, I saw them.


Memories of our date night that ended in a night of absolute pleasure flooded my mind and I tried to stop the familiar throbbing from down below before it got out of hand.

I’d never be able to look at them the same way again.

“I hear oysters are an aphrodisiac.”

I turned around so suddenly, I almost took the table out with me. As I steadied myself, I looked upon the gorgeous face I so desperately wanted to kiss. She was wearing a sapphire blue strapless gown that had diamonds sewn over the bodice piece. Her hair was swept up in a messy bun with tendrils of hair dangling down the sides of her face.

“Wow,” I said. “I don’t have words.”

“Thanks for the invite.”

Her being here, in front of me, with that smile on her face that was her response to me. That was her telling me all was good now.

We didn’t need to discuss it.

We didn’t need to talk about what the pain points were because we had all the time in the world for that. Tonight was about the charity, and about enjoying the night with my woman.

Right as I was about to reach across and kiss her, I heard my father’s booming voice on the microphone starting off the event. We both smirked at each other, knowing that we would have our moment soon, and turned to face him.

He stood on the dais, in front of everyone, and locked eyes with me. His smile brightened the entire room when she saw Mattie there with me.

“Tonight isn’t about me or where I’ve been these past few months. Tonight is about the good people at Cassandra’s Cancer Unit. As some may know, Cassandra was a friend to my dear daughter Genevieve and she sadly lost her life ten years ago. Since then, my Gennie has been working tirelessly to help raise enough money to gather more research into this deadly disease. As this is my Gennie’s cause, I’ll have her come up here and tell you a little about it.”

He stepped to the side and I made my way up to the dais. As I got to the lectern, I saw so many familiar faces that I knew hated me. I saw former lovers with their wives looking anywhere but at me. I saw my past.

As I looked over at Mattie, I saw my future.

Mattie had changed me for the better. She had made me the person I always dreamt of being.

“Hello everyone and thank you for being here with us.”

That’s the precise moment when I knew I was going to be okay but it was also the precise moment when I heard a familiar voice call out from the crowd, “Whore!”

I was surprised, no one would dare do this at charity balls. Who would be so brazen?

That’s when I saw her.

Murmuring erupted in the crowd as her angry face looked up at mine. For some reason, words weren’t easy to come by. I didn’t know what to say to her or how to react. Noone spoke their own minds at these things.

No one ever interrupted a charity ball.

I didn’t know what to say or how to diffuse the situation.

Eva’s evil face held a grin knowing she had gotten the best of me. People were talking amongst themselves. I was about to turn to my father to help but that’s when I saw movement to the side of me.

Mattie was making her way up the steps to the dais and across the stage. I was frozen.

Not in fear but in surprise.

“She’s no whore,” she said to the crowd. “But if you want to believe it, then you can bet your ass she’smywhore.”

Without notice, Mattie closed the distance between us and kissed me passionately. I was so surprised I didn’t know what to do until her tongue snaked into my mouth and tangled with my own. I melted into her as she deepened the kiss.

The sound of gasps echoed in the room as I heard my father delightfully shout out a hallelujah. He took the microphone as Mattie rested her head against mine, both of us breathless.

“Now that’s what I call a statement, folks.”

In this moment, as I looked into Mattie’s mischievous eyes, I knew that my fear was stupid. She was mine, and she had been mine since the elevator ride in the hotel on the island.

There was no way to determine if we would be a for life thing, no one could know that, but for right now, she was mine and I couldn’t be happier.
