Page 12 of The Jerk

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LEANDRO KNOCKED ONthe door several times, and when no one answered, he tried the knob and found it unlocked. His lips tightened in irritation. What kind of idiot left her hotel door unlocked? Didn’t the stupid girl realize how dangerous that was? This might be a first-class hotel, but anything could still happen.


The name sounded strange on his lips. It did not sit well on him to call a woman by a man’s name, and somehowRobertasimply didn’t suit her. He tried again. “Bobby?” His blood leapt the moment he spoke it out loud, as if recognizing the passionate girl behind the name.

And yet there was still no answer.

With a frown, he crossed the living room and tried the first door that he reached, which was again unlocked. It turned out to be a bedroom, but it was also unoccupied. He frowned. Where the hell was she? Had she left?

He heard the sound of another door opening and he looked up.

Bobby was coming out of the bathroom.


Leandro sucked his breath in, and the sound, though barely audible, made Bobby look up sharply, her face whitening when she realized that she was not alone. One full second passed before she seemed to realize the worst thing about her situation, and she let out a dismayed cry. “Get out!” Her hands flew in a panic over her, trying to cover everything but failing.

Leandro couldn’t stop staring.

She was...beautiful.

Her body was...perfect.

It was a woman’s body, the kind that he thought he could only dream of. Countless women had been to his bed, but none of them had been this gloriously curvy, the sight of her leaving Leandro completely aroused.

He had come here determined to make things right with her and then get out of her life for good. He had been determined not to make her his fake girlfriend, knowing she would not be suitable for it. But this –

This beautiful body...

It was irresistible.

And all thoughts of common sense flew out of his brain.

When she made a move to go back to the bathroom, he made a move, too, and he was a lot faster than she was.

In a moment, he had her locked in his arms.

She started to struggle. Hard.

His hold on her arms only tightened, her struggles somehow only making him more aroused. He had never forced a woman to bed – had never had any reason to. But right now, there was nothing he wanted more than to dominate Roberta Granger, to make her realize that he was a man and that he was strong enough to overpower her.

“Stop struggling,” he gritted out.

“Then let go of me!”

“The more you struggle, the more you make me want to take you!”

She froze, but her eyes shot fire at him.

He looked down at her – all the way to her breasts, her gloriously naked and abundantly full breasts. They were so deliciously shapely and round that he wondered if they would fit his hands. The thought that it wouldn’t had him swallowing, his lust threatening to get rid of what little of his self-control he had been able to hold on to.

Such beautiful breasts...and the sight of them had him fighting even harder for control.

A hungry look had touched his face, and when Bobby realized what he was staring at, she couldn’t help stiffening.

It was a bad move.

She knew it the moment she did it, but by then it was too late.

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