Page 13 of The Jerk

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Her breasts, with its pointed rosy tips, brushed against his chest when she straightened, and the contact had both of them reacting like they were hit by a bolt of lightning.

A growl escaped the man holding her captive.

She stiffened again, something about that sound reminding Bobby that this man was more dangerous than any other man she knew. She was so out of his league it was terrifyingly ridiculous, and yet here she was, naked in his arms.

This time, she wasn’t too proud to beg. It was the only way to save herself, to keep her life from changing. She knew that without him saying a word, the knowledge more intuitive than experiential. “Please let me go—-” she cried out, the sound a mixture of stunned disbelief and excruciating pleasure as he bent his head down, his hands moving down to clasp her waist tightly as his hot mouth closed over one pink tightly drawn nipple.

Oh God.

This couldn’t be happening.

She tried to hang on to her sanity, her hands moving up to press against his shoulders. She wanted to push him away but she couldn’t. “Please—-”

She stopped.

He had started to suck.

He. Was. Sucking. On. Her. Nipple.



Her eyes closed. Her head fell back. Her lips parted in a silent moan.

It was too much.

Someone knocked furiously on the door. “Leandro, you have an urgent call. It is your mother.”

Chapter Five

“Oh, you’re alone.”The voice was sickeningly sweet, but it was not sweet enough to hide the malice behind the words.

Bobby suppressed a sigh. Why was university life as depressingly clichéd as it was in the movies? One would think that by watching how the good guys always won in the end, people would know better and give up playing the role of Mean Girl or Dumb Jerk.

But no. They didn’t. Because there were girls that were truly mean and boys that were truly dumb jerks. Like this pair waiting to make fun of her.

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