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He ignores my jab. “I wanted you to hear it from me. I already told the kids.”

“You told the kids? You’re a real shithead, you know that, Harry?”

“And that’s why we’re divorced, Elise. Because you never valued me.”

“Mm-hmm,” I murmur.Sure, that’s the issue.

“You need help with the kids’ stuff, Elise?” Smith walks over, stepping between me and Harry. He’s taller than Harry by a good six inches, and much broader, making Harry seem small in contrast.

“I can get it,” Harry says, squaring his shoulders.

“Happy to help.” Smith smiles affably.

“Mommy!” Colton calls from the front porch and I hesitate, nervous to leave the two men alone.

“Just one sec, Colty. Be right there.” I hold up a finger.

“Go ahead, I’ve got this.” Smith squeezes my shoulder, and Harry’s eyes light on his hand, deep lines etching his brow.

“Okay, thanks.” I spin on my heel and move toward the house, a tension headache building. “Go find your sister and I’ll take you down to the beach.” Colton runs to find Cami as I climb the steps, Harry’s voice carrying on the wind.

“Smith, is it?”

“Yeah. And you’re Harry. The ex.”

“Good riddance,” Harry grounds out the words, and my heart squeezes in my chest.


I slow my pace, straining to hear the rest of the conversation.

“I disagree,” Smith says, his voice confident.

“Why would a good-looking young guy like you be settling for sloppy seconds?” Harry says, and a hot rage bubbles up inside me.

How dare Harry get involved in my relationship? I held up my end of the bargain and didn’t reach out—not even one time—to his new girlfriend.

I duck into the house, but peer out the window as the two men square up in the driveway.

“That’s how you talk about the mother of your children?” Smith asks, his fists clenching at his sides. “Elise was too nice when she talked about you.”

“But she is still talking about me,” Harry chides, stepping forward into Smith’s space.

Smith rolls his shoulders back, glaring down at Harry. “It’s nothing good, asshole. Now get the fuck out of here before I punch you in the face. The only reason I haven’t yet is out of respect for Elise and her kids.”

Harry huffs and puffs for a minute, not sure what to do, then shoves a suitcase at Smith’s chest and stomps back to his Porsche.

Smith waves as Harry peels out of the driveway, and I sag back against the paneled wall.

Harry’s right. Why is Smith wasting his time with me?He has no idea what he’s getting into. Why would anyone in their right mind want to get involved in this mess? Harry alone is enough to make a normal person run the opposite direction.

I should let Smith go before I rope him in any further. The last thing I want is for him to get hurt.

My chest aches at the thought, but I know what I need to do.

Even if my heart is broken, at least he can be happy. A guy as great as Smith deserves that.

