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Harry guns down the driveway as I load the small suitcases into Elise’s car.

She was right—he is an asshole, complete with small dick energy.

Slamming the car door shut, I climb the steps to the house, running a hand through my hair. I didn’t mentally prepare to meet Elise’s kids today, but here we are.

“Elise?” I glance around the small living area, but it’s empty and the house is quiet.

Then I catch sight of them on the beach, Elise holding Colton up to the sky and swinging him in a circle, the sun glinting off his blond waves. Cami’s laughing and trailing her mom, and the three of them are the vision of a happy family.

I stand at the window for a minute and watch them, running and playing in the surf. Elise is a great mom, I can see it from here.

Where do I fit in? Will I measure up?Not that Harry’s parenting shoes will be hard to fill.

But what do I know about raising kids?I have a niece and a nephew, but it’s not like I’m taking care of them twenty-four / seven. I don’t think I’ve watched the two of them longer than a few hours.

Swallowing hard, I shove my doubts away and get back to work on the demo. The sooner I can get the house ready for Elise, the sooner she can move down and we can be together.

I’m certain we can make it work, complications and all.



Having the kids with me in Seaglass Beach makes it easier to avoid Smith. It’s too dangerous for them to be at the beach house with all the renovation going on, so I spend most of my time at the Inn, playing in the pool or on the beach. Smith texts me, asking about dinner, but I use the kids as an excuse. Even though I want to see him, I know it will only make things harder between us. Smith doesn’t deserve that—and neither do I.

Finally, Saturday rolls around and it’s time to head back to Atlanta.

“We have to make one quick stop at the beach house before we leave,” I say, loading the last of the luggage into the car. Neither kid responds, both of them already engrossed in their electronic devices. Ah, technology…

As I drive to the house, a wave of nausea rolls over me.I hate this. I don’t want to go back to Atlanta. And I definitely don’t want to do what I’m about to do.

But it’s for the best.

I pull into the driveway, parking behind a shiny dark Mercedes. A young, attractive blond woman waves, and I plaster on a smile.

Play nice, Elise.

“Kiddos, head around the house to the beach, but don’t go into the water. This won’t take long.”

Cami and Colton bolt out of the car and run toward the beach.

“Hey! Elise, right? I’m Kayla, so great to finally meet you.” She gives my forearm a squeeze, and my gut roils.

“Thanks for coming over on a Saturday. We’re heading back home today, but I wanted to give you a quick tour, explain all the renovations so you can give me a better estimate of the home’s value.”

“Super. Let’s do it.”

Kayla teeters behind me in her sky-high stilettos as I explain the exterior changes we’re making. “New banisters, fixing the wobbly steps, repairing the shutters, and of course, fresh paint.”

“All great choices,” Kayla says, her blond head bobbing.

We step inside and the scent of wood, sea salt, and Smith hits me, a sharp pang jabbing me in the chest. I missed that smell, his smell, and it’s only been two days. How am I going to live the rest of my life without it?

I shove the thought away, instead concentrating on the renovation plans. “We took the upper cabinets down and opened up the space. We’re installing new white cabinets, upgrading all the appliances, refinishing the floors, and upgrading to hurricane-proof windows.”

“Perfect. Just what homeowners are looking for. And the view’s spectacular.” Kayla gazes out the sliding glass door at the bright blue ocean. I wave at Cami and Colton and they wave back.
