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“Do you even love him or just the idea of him?”

The fuck did she just say?

“Of course, I promised to marry him.”

“That’s not the same thing, Sutton. I hate to break it to you…” Marissa wraps her arm over my shoulder, pulling me tightly to her side. “At no point in time have you said anything about loving him or not knowing how to live without him. The only thing you’ve been wailing about is your sheets.”

I cock my head to the side and really think about what Marissa said. Maybe at one time, I was in love with Maxwell, but if I’m being completely honest with myself, over the last few months, things have changed. We used to spend every waking minute together. I couldn’t wait to finish up in my studio for the day, wanting to get home to spend time with him. But now, I spend more hours away from Maxwell than I do with him, and deep down, I’m okay with that.

“Is everything okay here?” Finn’s voice jars me out of my thoughts.

I turn toward him and frown. “No. Not at all.”

“And why’s that?” He chuckles.

“Her fiancé cheated on her.”

“On my 800-thread count sheets!” I wail, causing my sister to laugh loudly.

“Is that the only thing you care about?” she responds before shaking her head at me. “Face it, you don’t love him. Maybe you never did. You just loved the idea of being with him.”

Shit. I’ll never admit it to her, but she’s right. At some point, the idea of having the life I always dreamed of for myself became enough. I stopped caring that Maxwell no longer made my heart skip a beat or gave me butterflies in the pit of my stomach. He became a box to check off my list. One more thing people made me believe I’d never have.

“I don’t understand why you’re so upset. He sounds like a piece of shit for cheating on you.” The deep timbre of Finn’s voice brings me back to the present.

“You wouldn’t understand, Finn. You think with the brain between your legs and not the one between your ears.”

Finn chuckles humorously. “Trust me, if I thought with that brain all the time, I’d have your sister bent over the bar right now instead of helping you with your life problems.”

“Finn!” Marissa and I shout at the same time before I break out into a fit of loud laughter.

“I really am tempted to shoot you,” Marissa grumbles before grabbing my glass and throwing back the last little bit.

“Tease.” Finn winks at her, his attention focused on something over our heads. “I’ve always had a thing for handcuffs.”

“Oh my God! Do you ever quit?” I cackle loudly, my current troubles almost forgotten.

“Not when it comes to your sister.” Finn leans forward, resting his elbows on the bar. His eyes remain focused on Marissa the entire time. “Now that you’re home, how about putting in a good word for me with this one? I need all the help I can get.”

“I got your back!” I shout, meaning to whisper. “Finn’s a good guy, sister. Besides, you already know he’s good in bed. Why not go another round?”

“She said I’m good in bed?” Finn perks up, a sly smile crossing his face.

“I said no such thing,” Marissa growls before slamming something onto the bar. “I need to get back to work.”

“On the house. Consider them a welcome home present for little Ms. Sutton.” Finn gives her a mock salute. “I’m sure I’ll be seeing you ladies around.”

“You need to be nicer to him.”

“You need to mind your business.”

“You need to…” my voice trails off as I try to think of another witty comeback, but my mind goes blank.

Marissa and I stare at each other for a few minutes before she sighs loudly. “Look, Sutton. I have to go back to work, and I can’t leave you here like this.”

“Like what? I’ve only had a few drinks.”

“You’re three sheets to the wind, sweetheart.”
