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Her entire face pinks as she leans back, her hand going directly toward her gun. “I will fucking shoot you, Finn.”

He raises his hands in the air before giving her a quick wink and heading toward the other end of the bar to get our order.

“When did you become such a sourpuss, Marissa?” I giggle, turning toward her and resting my chin on my hand.

She’s probably one of the most easygoing people I’ve ever met. When we were kids, she wouldn’t hurt a fly and never had a bad thing to say to anyone. A typical ray of sunshine is what my dad used to call her, so seeing her acting like this with Finn… there has to be more to the story.

“The same time I slept with Finn Buckley.”

“You did what?!” I screech as Finn places a glass and a rather large bottle of Jack Daniels down in front of us before leaving to take care of another customer.

Marissa’s eyes track his movements, watching everything he’s doing as he speaks to someone at the other end of the bar. I highly doubt anyone would watch someone they hate as much as she pretends to hate Finn.

“You drink. I’ll talk,” Marissa grumbles, filling the small glass to the brim and shoving it in my direction.

I throw the glass back, welcoming the burn of the amber-colored liquid as it settles in my stomach. “Spill.”

Marissa sighs loudly before refilling my glass. “Let’s call it a moment of drunken weakness. I felt sorry for myself one night and came to the bar to drown my sorrows. Finn and I got to talking, and one thing led to another…”


Marissa nods her head toward the full glass. “Drink.”

Rolling my eyes, I grab it and take a large gulp, almost finishing it before placing it on the bar in front of me. “And?”

“And nothing. I woke up the next morning and hightailed it out of his place like my ass was on fire.”

Marissa and I haven’t been close since I left for college. Unlike me, she stayed close to home, going to the state college a few hours outside of our little town before joining the sheriff’s department. But this is next level. The last thing I expected to hear was that she had a one-night stand, let alone with Finn.

Marissa and Finn are like oil and water. The last two people I thought would get together. I always believed he had a thing for her—the way he’d look at her, practically hanging on every word out of her mouth—but he never said a word. Marissa was the queen of the roost, the popular girl everyone wanted to be, the exact opposite of Finn and me. When I went off to college, I always wondered if he’d make his move and let her know how he felt about her.

“And now, he won’t leave me alone,” Marissa growls, filling my glass to the brim once again.

“Was it at least good?”

Of course, this is the first question I ask when I find out my sister and one of my old friends slept together, but it’s an important one. Not that I don’t already know the answer. There’s no way she’d be putting up with any of this if it wasn’t good. For some strange reason, she’s fighting it.

“The best.” Her cheeks pink, and a soft smile crosses her face. “Too bad every time we run into each other, I can’t decide if I want to shoot him, arrest him, or fuck him again.”

“I’m game. Just not in that order. There are laws against that type of thing,” Finn says over his shoulder, winking at us before disappearing into the back.

“You’re in so much trouble.” I giggle, a warm tingle settling over my entire body as I grab my glass and take another healthy pull.

Marissa snickers softly. “Why are you here?”

Damn, she doesn’t waste any time getting to the heart of the matter. I throw back the rest of my glass before slamming it down on the bar. “Maxwell cheated on me.”

“Okay,” Marissa deadpans, and my mouth drops.

“Okay? Okay. Okay!” My voice continues to get louder and louder as I repeat my sister’s response.

“He cheated on me with some bimbo on my 800-thread count sheets!” I screech, grabbing the Jack Daniels bottle and throwing it back like I don’t have a care in the world.

“So, what now?”

“I don’t know,” I cry as the dam breaks. Burying my face in my hands, I drop my head onto the bar and sob loudly, all the fight leaving my body.

I’ve known things have been off with Maxwell and me since before we even got engaged. If I’m being honest, I was planning to break up with him when he proposed. But I never thought he’d do something like this. He used to look at me like I hung the moon, but something must have changed. Maybe we grew apart. I’ve been working a lot on trying to get my new line up and running and have been a little distant, but I never expected this to happen.

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