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“Calm down, Trouble,” I whisper into her ear before kissing the side of her head. “I really don’t want to have to arrest you. Although, seeing you in handcuffs does sound rather kinky.”

She sags in my arms, all the fight draining out of her as Marissa comes strolling out my front door without a care in the world.

“Should we take a trip down to the station, Maxwell? Though I’m sure you would prefer not to have to explain to your family lawyer why you’re in need of his services.”

“Fuck you, bitch,” he spits at Marissa as she comes to a stop directly in front of him, her cuffs twirling around her fingers.

“Do us all a favor and leave. You got whatever it is you came for,” she spits at him.

“You were one good doormat.” Maxwell pulls a handkerchief from his pocket and brushes it across his bloody nose before standing up straight and adjusting his suit jacket.

I step around Sutton, ready to tear him limb from limb, consequences be damned. He is not going to get away with treating her like that. Not on my watch. Maxwell steps back, tripping over his own two feet before landing flat on his ass.

“I’ll end you,” I growl as I continue to prowl toward him like a lion ready to devour its prey.

Sutton slides between us again, cupping my cheeks in her hands. “I’d really like for you to take me inside and bend me over the back of the couch again.”

The rage that was coursing through my veins is replaced with a burning desire. The strength that Sutton has shown in the last few moments is astounding. Without breaking contact with me, she addresses Maxwell.

“You wanted to save face, right? I’m sure that’s why you came here in the first place.”

“Of course I did. No one leaves a Stanton.”

A sinister smile crosses Sutton’s face as she puts the final nail in Maxwell’s coffin. “And if you keep running your mouth, my sister will make sure everyone in the world hears what a piece of shit you are.”

The smug look on Maxwell’s face disappears as we all turn our attention toward Marissa, her cell phone pointed in our direction “Surprise! You’re on candid camera.”

“I wish I’d never met you,” he snarls.

“The feeling is mutual. Now, please leave before I let the sheriff arrest you for assault and trespassing.”

I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her close, letting her know that I’m with her 100 percent. Maxwell turns and storms toward his car. Our eyes follow him as he speeds down my driveway.

“That was sexy as fuck,” I growl as I nibble my way down her neck.

“I’m not engaged anymore,” she moans as her head tips back giving me access to the sensitive skin below her ear.

“You’re not.” I pull back, seeing nothing but adoration—and, dare I say, love—shining in her eyes.

“Nope.” Sutton giggles softly.

I nuzzle my nose into her hair and kiss the top of her head. “Move in with me?” I ask, picking her up and spinning around.

I don’t give a shit how quickly this seems to anyone; Sutton means everything to me.

“That can be arranged. My parents have been begging me to come home and visit more. Besides, I can design clothing anywhere.”

Deciding to push my luck, I ask for one more thing. “Marry me?”

Sutton raises her eyebrow at me. “I just got unengaged a few minutes ago. Let’s start with living together first. Then we can see what else happens.”

“For now,” I respond before leaning down and capturing her mouth in a searing kiss.

“And that’s my cue to get the hell out of here.” Marissa shoves her phone into her pocket as she strides toward Sutton’s car. “I’m taking your shift at the station today, Colt. You both owe me big time.”

I don’t even bother to respond before lifting Sutton in the air, opening the door, and striding through.


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