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“No, I have to do this on my own.” I step out of his embrace before turning around and brushing my lips against his. “Then we can live happily ever after.”

Marissa makes a loud gagging noise “You two are disgusting. PS I brought your car from the garage. Next time you plan on running away from home, check to make sure you have a full tank of gas.”

“I’m an idiot.”

“Among other things,” Marissa giggles before pulling me in for a big hug. “I’ll keep Colt inside with me while you talk to Max.”

Marissa gives me a sympathetic smile before hooking her arm through Colt’s and pulling him toward the couch. Pulling the door shut behind me, I focus my attention on Maxwell as he climbs out of the car, and I see nothing of the man I fell in love with. All I see now is a cheating asshole who has come back here to save face, wanting to keep his little indiscretion hidden from the world, which I’d be happy to do if he leaves me alone.

“We’re through!” I shout as he comes to a stop right in front of me.

“I came to bring you home,” he states as if it’s already a done deal. I’m beyond livid but for an entirely different reason.

“Home? You mean the home I saw you fucking that bimbo in?” I ball my hands into fists by my sides. My nails dig into my hands to the point I’m sure they will bleed at any moment. “No wonder you pushed me to keep my apartment.”

“What do you want? An apology? I’m sorry. You were supposed to be in the studio until dinner. How was I supposed to know you’d show up randomly?”Maxwell reaches out to grab my hand, but I snatch it back before he can touch me. Without a second thought, I pull my arm back and send it flying. A loud smack rings out across the lawn.

“Who the hell do you think you are?” I growl, pulling my hand back to smack him a second time, but he catches it. His large hands squeeze so hard I’m sure I’ll have a bruise.

“Little girl, I did not waste almost two years of my life with you to lose out on what I want now. You can either get your things willingly or I can drag you, your choice.”

I pull my arm from his grasp, rubbing the skin on my wrist as pain radiates up my arm. “What is it you want?”

“I want a wife that looks good on paper. I can’t marry just anyone, or my parents would have a fit. They’ve been nagging me for years to settle down and give them grandchildren. Who better to do that with than a small town nobody like you.” He sneers before adjusting the lapels of his jacket. “It’s not my fault you opened your legs for the first person who wanted you. What did you expect? You should be thanking me for pretending to love you when no one else would.”

I sink down onto the ground, tears suddenly falling down my face. I hear the door fling open and know that Colt is rushing to my side. He scoops me up, cradling me in his arms as he mumbles soothing words while stroking his hand up and down my back.



“Idon’t know who you think you are, but don’t you dare put your hand on what’s mine. The next time you try, you’ll be leaving here in a body bag,”

The minute I saw Sutton crumble to the ground, I saw red, flying out the door and to her side.

“Don’t you dare speak about her that way again,” I growl through clenched teeth. “If you were half the man you think you are, she’d never have come looking for me.”

“Go home, Maxwell. We’re done.” Sutton’s voice breaks me from my rage-filled haze as she shimmies out of my lap.

Maxwell sneers at her as she climbs to her feet, brushing herself off, and I quickly follow. “I see you went looking for the first man who’d want your fat ass.”

“I’m going to end you,” I growl, storming toward him.

Sutton grabs my arm, halting me in my tracks.

“Please,” she begs. “He isn’t worth the prison sentence.”

“I doubt orange is either of your colors,” Maxwell sneers.

Sutton’s eyes widen slightly before she releases my arm and steps around me. She strides directly toward him, pulling her arm back and socking him in the face.

“You fucking bitch!” he screams as blood begins pouring from his nose. “You broke my nose.”

Damn. Remind me never to piss her off.

“Good, but I can’t say it’s an improvement. You aren’t worthy enough to breathe the same air as Colt, let alone utter his name!” Sutton screeches as she lunges toward him again.

This time, it’s my turn to stop her.
