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“Let me grab that.” He moved quickly across the room and bent next to her so he could put his hands on the tub, over hers. “It’s heavy.”

“I can get it.”

“I believe you can.” He grinned. “But I meant it when I said I wanted to help you and make your life a little easier. So let me.”

She was so close to him, when she turned to look into his eyes, the urge to close the distance and kiss her was strong. But it wouldn’t be very helpful if he distracted her by laying her back on the stainless-steel baking counter so he could kiss every inch of her body. Well, it might be a little helpful. But it definitely wouldn’t get any of her baking done.

The gold flecks in her eyes sparkled, but she didn’t look away.

Maybe she was thinking the same thing.

He hoped like hell she was.

But there’d be time for that later.

Scott winked, picked up the bin of flour, stood, and put it on the counter. “What else do we need to get going?”

It took a moment for Georgia to join him at the counter, which only lent proof to the idea that her line of thinking was going down the same path as his own.

He liked it. A lot.

As much as it looked as though he’d set it up, Scott truly hadn’t planned to break down in front of her shop. That was just divine intervention.Maybe there was something to the whole manifesting thing?After all, he had thought of little else besides Georgia for the last few months. And it wasn’t just the memory of her kisses or the way her body felt in his arms, although those were all excellent things. It was her sass and the way she challenged him. Her confidence at both the bake-off contest, which had turned out to be well-founded, and also with him.

She was a strong woman who knew what she wanted and wasn’t going to compromise that.

He admired that. A lot. And he wanted to know more about her. Hell, he wanted to know everything about her. But first things first—he needed to know how to bake her famous honey buns.

“I’ll gather the ingredients,” Georgia said as she moved smoothly around the kitchen. “You add them in the amounts I tell you. Once the dough is mixed, you can start rolling and I’ll start on some more muffins.”

“Why don’t you just give me the recipe?” Scott suggested. “And I can add the right amount of ingredients. Then you can start on the muffins right away.”

Georgia froze, a measuring cup in her hand. She scoffed and shook her head. “Scott. There is no recipe.” She used the measuring cup to point to her head. “It’s all up here.”

“You’re not serious.”

“Deadly. My grandma passed it down to me, and I—”

“Have never written it down?”

She laughed. And brought the sugar and baking powder over to his workstation. “If I did that, then the likes of you might get a hold of it.” Her eyes flashed with a challenge.

A challenge Scott was very much up for.

“The likes of me, huh?” He narrowed his eyes and dipped his hand into the nearby tub of flour before flicking it at her.

* * *


A cloud of white dust dusted her face.


She blinked and blew out a breath, which only caused the flour to puff out from her mouth.

To his credit, Scott looked a little concerned, as if maybe he’d gone too far.

He had.
