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They spent the next few minutes tasting all of Scott’s pies and devouring the poutine. “This is all amazing, Scott,” she said honestly. “I mean, I knew you were a decent baker, but this is next-level. Where did you get the idea for meat pies?”

“They’re actually very popular in Australia and New Zealand. I fell in love with them when I visited a few years ago, and I wanted to bring a version to Canada. Paired with a classic like poutine…well, I think it works.”

“It’s not a very likely match.” Georgia leaned in a little closer to him. “But I agree. It works.

Scott reached out and in an intimate move, wiped a trace of gravy from her lip, holding his finger to her mouth a moment longer than necessary. “Oh,” he said. “I think it works very well.”

They were no longer talking about the food truck, and Georgia had completely forgotten that they were sitting on a bench out in front of her bakery, with the entire town watching when she leaned in and pressed her lips to his.

“So good!”

Levi’s voice jarred them apart. Instead of being consumed by embarrassment, Georgia’s face split into a grin as she stepped back and listened to her friends gush over how delicious Scott’s pies were. It was completely irrational considering she barely knew him, but she was bursting with pride.

“You know what would go perfectly with this delicious dinner?” Hope looped her arm through her husband’s and pointed to the bakery behind them. “Some of Georgia’s honey buns,” she answered her own question.

“Without a doubt,” Levi agreed. They said their goodbyes and disappeared inside the bakery.

It didn’t take long for the street to fill up with more people who were led by their noses to the food truck in search of a delicious snack or an early dinner. Scott looked to Georgia in question.

But she only shrugged. “I’d say you need to give the people what they want.”

“Only if you can help me out for a few minutes?”

It was the least she could do after all the help he’d given her in the bakery. But more than that, she didn’t want their day to be over. Georgia couldn’t remember the last time she’d had so much fun, with the exception of the last day they’d spent together at the fair. And what was the alternative? Working alone in the bakery kitchen or going home to an empty house that only made her feel more and more alone every day now that she’d finally made the decision to move her grandmother to a full care facility? It had been an excruciating decision, but Georgia knew it was the right one. And in her lucid moments, Grammie agreed with her because all she’d ever wanted for her granddaughter was for her to be happy.

Georgia took a breath and looked at the man who did a very good job at making her happy. “I’d love nothing more.”



“Thank you for letting me stay.” Scott followed Georgia up the walk to her small, but well-kept house that was on the street just behind her bakery. When they’d finally run out of pies at the food truck, and he’d helped Georgia lock up the bakery, which had almost sold out of all the fresh product they’d managed to bake earlier in the day, he’d realized that in the chaos—and fun—of the day, he’d completely forgotten to find a place to stay. His original plan had been to sleep in the small bunk just behind the driver’s seat of the bus, but given that he was parked on Main Street, it didn’t seem like the best option.

And secretly, or maybe not so secretly, he’d hoped he’d be spending the night with Georgia anyway.

“It’s the least I could do.” Georgia opened the front door and walked around the living room, turning on lights before turning to face him. “I had a really good time today, Scott. It’s been a long time since I’ve had so much fun baking and…well, who knew I’d enjoy the world of meat pies and poutine so much?”

He chuckled a little under his breath as he moved across the room directly to her. “I enjoyed myself today, too.” He slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. “And it had absolutely nothing to do with baking or meat pies.”

His lips crushed hers, pulling a moan from deep within her.

It had been an exercise in restraint all day to keep his hands off her after her friend and coworker interrupted them in the bakery. Working side by side with her both in the kitchen and then the food truck had been a bigger turn-on than Scott could have imagined. They worked so seamlessly together, laughing and flirting, and easily filling orders as if they’d been doing it for years.

He’d never before dated someone like Georgia. She was fierce and determined and sexy and yet, soft. Not that they were dating. But damned if he didn’t want to be doing a whole lot with her, dating included.

She pulled back from his embrace, only a little, but it was enough to pull him from his thoughts.

Scott tilted his head in question.

“I still can’t offer you—”

He silenced her with a kiss. His arms slipped up her back and one hand twisted in her hair, pulling her head back to expose her neck. “I’m not asking you to marry me, Sparkles.” He nipped gently beneath her ear. “I’m asking you to stop thinking of reasons why this isn’t going to work when it so very obviously is working quite nicely.”

His words must have worked the magic he’d intended because whatever walls she’d been trying to hold up between them fell away.

She pulled him closer, pressing her body against his. “You win,” she murmured.

“Oh no, baby. I think we’re both about to win.”
