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Somehow a condom appeared, and he slipped it on without breaking their connection. He slipped his impossibly massive cock into her heat. Her breath hitched in her throat, and she took a moment to adjust to his size, but then they were moving together in perfect rhythm.

“God. You feel so good,” Scott murmured in her ear. “So. Fucking. Perfect.”

Scott propped himself up on his elbow to look down at her.

Georgia’s breath came fast, another climax already so close. She reached for him, but he stopped her.

“No,” he said gently. “I just want to look at you.” He caressed her cheek gently, holding her face in his hand. “You’re so beautiful, Georgia.”

She squeezed her eyes shut, allowing herself to enjoy everything about the moment. It had been so long since she’d felt beautiful and desirable andcaredfor. Her life had been a chaotic mess of just trying to keep her head above water. Sure, there’d been men over the years, but they’d never been like this. Not even close. A quick hook-up, one-night stand, or even the friends-with-benefits relationship she’d carried on with hadn’t even come close to making her feel the way she did at that moment.

Scott moved his hips, sending shots of need shooting through every one of her cells. The tender moment was over, but not gone, and was replaced by intense mutual desire.

“I think it’s you who’s killingme.”She groaned as he thrust into her, her climax once more threatening to consume her.

“Oh, baby.” His eyes flashed. “As long as we go together.”

A moment later, Georgia was flying, falling and crashing as an intense orgasm ripped through her. She cried out, every muscle contracting as her body took her release. On some level, she registered Scott’s climax as he, too, came apart.

It wasn’t until later when she lay with her head on his chest that Georgia allowed the doubt and questions creep into her consciousness. Maybe they’d avoided talking about it, but it didn’t mean the issue went away. The old familiar thoughts once more tried to take hold in her head.

It can’t work. I can’t offer him anything.

Only this time, as easily as the thoughts slipped in, she pushed them out. For the first time in recent memory, Georgia focused on the moment and how perfect it all felt.



Georgia was still asleep, her hair spread over the pillow in a tangled, sexy mess. Her mouth was open just a little, her breathing deep and content, and she was the most gorgeous woman Scott had ever seen.

He could happily lay in her bed, watching her all day, but also…he’d meant it when he said he wanted to make her life easier. Which was exactly why he forced himself from her warm bed to the kitchen, where he got to work.

Thirty minutes later, when Georgia appeared, her hair had been tamed into a messy bun on the top of her head and she was dressed in a tank top and shorts, Scott was ready for her.

“It smells amazing in here.” She leaned against the doorway instead of coming all the way into the kitchen.

Scott couldn’t blame her if she was feeling that strange, morning-after awkwardness, but he didn’t like it and it was the last thing he wanted.

He grabbed a tea towel and wiped his hands before flipping the towel over his shoulder. He took two big strides across the room and pulled her into his arms. “You look gorgeous in the morning,” he said before kissing her thoroughly.

Any traces of morning-after awkwardness vanished as she melted into his arms.

“I like this.” He touched her hair piled up on her head. “Although, I liked it better sprawled all over your pillow.”

Georgia ducked her head down and blushed, but he tilted her head up again to look into her eyes. “Like I said. You look absolutely gorgeous in the morning.”

He kissed her once more before returning to the stove and the pancakes that were ready to be flipped. “I wasn’t sure what you liked for breakfast,” he said over his shoulder. “So, we have a bit of everything.” That wasn’t entirely true. Georgia’s fridge was remarkably and startlingly bare. But he’d done his best with what he’d found.

“You didn’t have to go to all this trouble.” She’d moved to the table, where she’d picked up a piece of bacon. “I usually just grab something at the bakery. This is…”

“Exactly what you deserve,” he finished the sentence for her as he flipped the rest of the pancakes onto a plate. “I told you I wanted to make your life easier, Sparkles, and I meant it.”

He put the plate in front of her on the table and held her gaze. He could see the hesitancy in her eyes, so he slid into the seat across from her and took her hand in his. “You don’t believe me.” It wasn’t a question.

“It’s not that.” She shook her head. “It’s just that—”

“Please don’t tell me that you can’t offer me anything,” he interrupted her. “Because it’s a bunch of bullshit.” She blinked slowly but didn’t argue with him. Even if he couldn’t fully comprehend how much she had on her plate, he could appreciate it. But none of that negated the fact that he had feelings for her. Real feelings. And he was positive she had some for him, too.

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