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She didn’t say anything for a moment. With her free hand, she ripped a piece of pancake off and popped it into her mouth. Her lips formed an O and she smiled. “This is delicious.”

Scott couldn’t help it; he shook his head and chuckled. “I know it’s delicious. But we’re kind of talking about something here.”

“You’re right.”

“I know I’m right.” He squeezed her hand. “I like you, Georgia, and—”

“No.” She stopped him. “I meant you’re right about it being bullshit.”

He wasn’t expecting that response.

“It was an excuse to keep you at arm’s length,” she said between bites of pancake. “Because I liked you.” She shook her head and giggled a little. “I mean, Idolike you, too. But when we first met, at the fair, you were…well…you made me laugh, and I really liked that.”

“So you wanted to keep me away?” Scott was trying to make sense of what she was saying, he really was, but it was taking all of his effort.

Georgia laughed and pulled her hand from his so she could pour herself a glass of orange juice. “I know it sounds crazy.”

“I’m glad you recognize that.” He shook his head and leaned back in the chair.

She rolled her eyes and took another bite of bacon. “The thing is, between the bakery and Grammie and…well, everything, I don’t—no,” she corrected herself. “Ididn’tthink I could make room for...” She gestured between them. “Whatever this is. It was too much for me even to think about.”

Scott crossed his arms and leaned forward on the table. “And now?”

“Now…” She pressed her lips together in a smirk. “Well, now I can’t imagine it any other way.”

* * *


Georgia couldn’t even believe the words coming out of her mouth. Never in a million years would she have expected to be saying these things to a man, let alone a man she hardly knew who had just made her a breakfast feast, the morning after a night of some of the hottest sex she’d ever had in her life.

Correction,thehottest sex she’d ever had.

Yes, her life was busy and chaotic and full of complications. Those were all of the reasons she’d used as excuses for too many years. And that’s what they were. Excuses. Because if you didn’t let someone in, you couldn’t get hurt. And in Georgia’s experience, there was already way too much hurt.

But with Scott, it was different. Everything about him felt different. It felt good.

Something had clicked for her at some point during the night. Maybe it was after he’d fallen asleep after their second round of lovemaking? Maybe it was after the third? It didn’t matter. The only thing that mattered was that at some point, she’d looked over at him and felt…happy.

Full body, all the way through, happy.

And her grandmother’s voice echoed in her head. “Just be happy, Georgia,” she used to say before the Alzheimer’s robbed her of herself. “You only get one chance at this thing called life. There are no do-overs and no second chances, so whatever else you do, be happy.”


It seemed like such a simple concept. Maybe too simple.

But why did it have to be more complicated than that?

“You make me happy,” she said to Scott. “And your pancakes are delicious.” She winked as she reached to put another bite in her mouth.

But Scott stopped her, his hand grabbing her wrist before she could pop it in her mouth. Georgia dropped the pancake and looked across the table at him.

“You make me happy, too,” he said. “Veryhappy.” Without releasing her hand, Scott got up and walked around the table. He guided her up from the chair and into his arms.

Damn, did she ever like being in his arms.She closed her eyes and let herself soak up the moment.

“I don’t want to overthink this,” she said. “But it might already be too late.”
