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“Isn’t it? Anyway, just treat me like I’m human. I’ll put a hold on the Nair, and in thirty-six hours, freedom. No worrying about teeth… you won’t be going near either set.” Laughter bubbled up in my throat, releasing some of the tension coiled in my gut.


“Ah, ah, no swearing, Saint Nick.” I yanked open the door for him, since the blood had completely drained from his face. “It’s showtime.”

A gust of warm air carrying a hint of cinnamon and chocolate washed over us the minute we stepped through the doors, reminding me of a happy childhood here. When I spent most of my time with the boys and no one judged me for it.

The main common area of the lodge opened into a two-story massive room with knotted pine walls, tall windows facing the slopes, and dueling fireplaces on each side, both with stonework shooting straight up to the ceiling.

Cozy seating areas arranged in clusters of coordinating warm creams, blush, rose, and camel shades dotted the room, most already occupied by families and kids.

“Does it seem busier to you this year?”

“They added two black diamond trails and a new quad. It’s busier.” His voice rumbled next to my ear, catching me by surprise.


“There you are!” My mother feigned excitement at seeing me. Not because I’m her daughter and she loves me, but no doubt because she had Daniel in her back pocket. I’m sure she thought she held on to this wonderful secret that would make me so grateful, that I’d act like a true McAllister for the first time.

News flash—I’m a Charlie. I’m going to act like a Charlie.

Which meant Daniel didn’t have a chance. He never should have had a shot even if I had acted like a typical McAllister, but then that was the whole crux of the problem.

She draped her arms daintily around my shoulders and bathed me in a cloud of Chanel No. 5.

For a moment, I considered wrapping my arms around her the way I used to. A real hug like when I was a kid, before I realized it was possible to have the physical presence of two parents yet feel like an orphan.

“You’re looking lovely, dear. A little puffy, but we’ll work on that.”

She whispered the barbs in a way no one else would hear them, but with a few sips of wine, and a group of people to cover her snide remarks with laughs, she’d get bolder. They’d become more frequent in the past few years as I pulled further away from the family and turned more and more into a person she just didn’t understand.

“Gee, looking forward to it.”

“Don’t be smart, dear. It’s unbecoming of a young lady.”

“Too bad you didn’t raise one.”

Her mouth pinched with disapproval before she plastered on a glowing smile for Nick.

“Nicholas, sweetheart, it’s so good to see you. Aren’t you just as handsome as ever.”

He leaned in, towering over us both by at least eight inches, and kissed my mother on the cheek. “You look just gorgeous, Mrs. McAllister. I love the new haircut.”

See, smooth fucker. Does everything with ease. Just naturally good at all the things.

Hasn’t seen her in months. And now he’s the new hairstyle spotter? The shit.

And they weren’t just words. The sleek bob was new and until he mentioned it, I hadn’t noticed.

I wanted to be mad, but he made eye contact with me over her shoulder and winked. For a second, the sting from her insult faded.

We’re in this together. At least for the next thirty-six hours.

“Nicholas! Just look at you.” Mrs. McAdams swooped in and cured into Nick’s chest. Mothers and sons. They’re so weird.

I wouldn’t call Nick a mama’s boy. I remember a few decent meals he cooked on the grill, and I’ve seen him handle laundry so it’s not like he’s waiting for someone to take care of him. But moms… they just love doting on their little boys. My mother did it with Chance while Eve and I navigated minefields.

I spotted Daniel and Mariah heading our way, Daniel’s expression smug like he was such a fucking catch and how lucky was I that he’d shower me with his attention for an entire weekend.
