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Next to him, Mariah bit down on her bottom lip delicately because no doubt she didn’t want to ding her lipstick while still conveying that come-hither energy. Get me, hot stuff. I’ve got no boobs, no ass, but hey, anything from a designer hanger would look fucking phenomenal on me because I’m shaped like, well, a wire fucking hanger.

“How funny you two arriving at the same time. We have a sur—”

“We came together,” I blurted.

Two perfectly coifed blond hairdos swung in my direction.

No longer snuggled against Nick’s chest, Mrs. McAdams blinked, an expression I didn’t recognize settling into her gaze. “Together?”

Mom glanced back and forth between us. “You two? But why?”

Nick’s gaze eyes flicked in Mariah and Daniel’s direction, like a signal just between the two of us. A sort of rudimentary fake dating way of communicating or something.

“Because…” Nick let his mom go and reached for me. Sliding his hand into mine—there was that zing again—he tugged me toward him and twirled me until we both faced our mothers with my back pressed against his chest and his free hand sliding over my stomach possessively. “Charlie’s my girlfriend.”

God, he was warm. And hard. Muscled. Not hard hard. And why the hell was he holding me so tight? Like I belonged to him. I mean, I guess I did. Kinda. For fakesies and shit. But really, did he need to hold me that tight? Where my ass nestled right into his—actually, while I’m here. I wiggled, settling in against him tighter, and the pads of his fingers dug into my skin. A barely perceptible growl rumbled from his chest against my back.

I tilted my head and smiled up at him, the absolute picture of adoration and love.

It would totally be out of character to give up fucking with him, so until we could go back to the way things were, this would have to keep me satisfied.

And him very dissatisfied.

Our mothers’ expressions were worlds apart. My mom was absolutely ecstatic, judging by her huge smile. The smile she always strived to avoid because of lines and shit. Apparently, catching Nick warranted the risk of adding to the years that threatened to march across her face the minute she gave up chemical peels, exotic skin regimens, and Botox.

Mrs. McAdams on the other hand… Her lips puckered in the slightest hint of disapproval, and she aimed some serious side-eye at my mom.

I guess that told me where I stood.

Daniel and Mariah sidled up, both looking us over. Daniel glowered at Nick’s hand on my stomach. Mariah wore a more feral version of Mrs. McAdams’ expression, also one hundred percent aimed at me.

Nick smiled next to me, his whiskered cheek brushing mine, oblivious to the battle lines forming between two best friends.

“This is actually perfect,” my mother gushed. “There was a problem with the rooms. We were likely going to be one short. But since you two will room together, I can let the desk know we’re all set.”



“Rooming together was not part of the deal.” I growled down at the little demon as we headed to the private dining room. Normally, we’d all head up to our rooms to unpack before we met for cocktails at six. Then on to dinner reservations at six thirty, but the influx of people staying for the weekend changed everything.

The concierge had our bags; we had no clue what our shared room had in store for us, and the settling in would happen after dinner, a time I used to relish spending in the lodge bar with Chance.

He’d pay for abandoning me… again. Yes, not his fault, but at the moment, I couldn’t care less.

She shot an elbow into my ribs. “Well, it’s not like I planned it. And you’re welcome. Because Queen Succubus up there had plans for you. Sinister plans.”

They couldn’t be worse than the very round, soft, way-too-fuckable ass Charlie just ground on my dick in the lobby. An unwelcome stirring of trouble swirled in my gut and hadn’t stopped dancing on my peace of mind since.

Don’t fuck my baby sister…

Cool guy. Got you.

But who would keep her from fucking me?

Chance would not get out of this without suffering. I’d come up with a way to fuck with him even half a world away.

“Your mother was chilly.”
