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‘A queen is whoever I say she is and if I say she’s you then she’s you.’

‘But I don’t even know you!’

He lifted a shoulder. ‘So? We’ll have time to get to know each other. Besides, the most important thing is compatibility in bed, and we have that in spades.’

Her mouth opened then shut and suddenly all he wanted to do was to take her pretty face between his hands and cover that mouth with his own, taste her again. He’d been hoping this morning for more time in bed, at least until her ill-advised blackmail attempt, and now he was reminded again of how good she’d felt in his arms and how sweet her surrender had been.

He wanted more. He wanted to pull the ties of that pretty sundress she wore, let it fall from her body then take her down on the rugs right here in the living room. Perhaps he’d tie her wrists with it. She’d liked being restrained by him. She’d liked it very much.

From the looks of the two spots of high colour that glowed in her cheeks, she wouldn’t have protested if he had. Plus, he could tell by how fixedly she was staring at him that she wanted to look at his mouth, the way she did when she was aroused.

But no. He wouldn’t touch her yet. She needed to sit with the idea, and she definitely needed more time with their son. That would help clarify things for her.

‘I could be his nanny,’ she burst out. ‘I could be his nurse or—’

‘He has a nanny. Not to mention a fleet of nurses. The one thing he does not have is a mother.’

She shook her head. ‘No. No, it’s impossible.’

It would be interesting to press her about why exactly it was so impossible, but he was conscious that he’d spent more time than he’d intended with her this morning and his schedule for today was already crowded. He needed to return to the palace and quickly.

So, perhaps a week, maybe two for her to get comfortable here. For her to consider his proposal. Not that it was really a proposal, more of a command. Then he would bring her to the palace so they could discuss it further.

Maybe he’d even fulfil his promise of last night to her, of a seduction. In fact, now he thought of it, he couldn’t think of anything he’d rather do. He hadn’t had the opportunity to seduce a woman in too many years, and, really, it was just the kind of challenge he liked.

‘Well,’ he said gently, ‘since I decide what is impossible and what is not, we will have to agree to differ on that.’ He paused, allowing some steel to show in his expression. ‘It is also not a request.’

He thought she might take a step back at that, but she didn’t. She only stood there, staring at him as if she’d never seen him before in her life. And he could see it then, the legacy of her hard, difficult life. It was there in the anger that glittered brightly in her eyes, and in the stubborn line of her jaw. The bravery of a woman who would not lie down or give up, a woman who’d fought and struggled for everything she had.

Yes, she would make an excellent queen.

‘You’re crazy,’ Solace said. ‘I’m not marrying you.’

Galen smiled. ‘We’ll see.’ He stepped back, giving them both some space, because if he remained this close to her any longer, he’d probably do something he’d regret. ‘I’ll arrange for you to remain here with Leo and you can spend as much time with him as you wish. Though, I must insist on you not speaking with the staff. Your identity must remain secret until this is sorted out. They’ll be informed that you’re a family member and will need access to him at all times.’

Her jaw had that stubborn line to it again. ‘Send them all away. I’ll care for him myself.’

It was on the tip of his tongue to refuse since his staff were excellent. But then he paused. Perhaps having her looking after Leo was best. It would mean he wouldn’t need to explain why one of Leo’s family members had suddenly appeared and also wouldn’t have to be concerned about any potential gossip.

‘Very well,’ he allowed. ‘I’ll get Maria, his nanny, to leave you all the information about him, as well as contact details for anything you might need yourself.’ He turned towards the door. ‘I’ll send for you when the time comes.’

‘Send for me for what? What time?’

He paused at the doorway and smiled. ‘The time for you to agree to my proposal.’ Then he walked through it before she could speak.


SOLACEWRAPPEDLEOup in his blanket and cradled him in her arms, rocking him gently. She’d just given him his evening feed, a bath and put him in a fresh onesie, and was in the process of putting him to bed.

It was evening, the sunset painting the sky with brilliant oranges and reds and golds, and she stood by the window in his room, watching it as she hummed a soft lullaby.

From the moment she’d first taken him in her arms and his big grey eyes had looked up into hers—Galen had been right, Leodidhave her eyes—the rest of the world had fallen away. All her fury, all her pain, everything she’d been through, none of it had mattered. The only thing that had was the baby she held.Herbaby.

Finally, she had him. Finally, he was here where he belonged, safe in her arms. And it had been worth it. In that moment, everything—everything—she’d gone through had been worth it.

Galen had left to give her privacy and she’d been desperately grateful to him for that, because all she’d been able to do was hold her son and weep. Weep with grief and guilt for all the moments she’d lost, yet also with dizzying joy that she’d be with him for all the moments still to come. And the relief, the sheer, aching relief that he was safe and well and she was with him again.

Then had followed the happiest week of her life, with nothing to worry about and nothing to do except be with Leo.
