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He smiled back, the special smile he saved just for her. ‘We don’t have any immediate duties, do we?’

She always knew, because she seemed to know their schedules off by heart. She was a master organiser and a powerhouse when it came to getting things done, and as a queen she was formidable. She’d done much for the disadvantaged, especially children, and his subjects adored her.

Heat leapt in her eyes. The familiar heat that had always been between them and that still burned as brightly as it had years ago. ‘No, I don’t think so. And Xander is off trying to kill himself on that wretched skateboard of his.’

Xander was their youngest and the only one still at home. Leo was at Oxford—his choice—and doing extremely well studying mathematics. The twins Elena and Io were in the first year at university—Cambridge, so they didn’t have to be near their brother—Elena studying physics and her sister medieval English literature.

Meanwhile, Xander, who wasn’t at all academic but loved doing anything physical and especially loved it if it was dangerous, was busy turning his parents’ hair white.

Galen loved them all to distraction, but he especially loved it when they were not around so he could do whatever he wanted to his beautiful wife.

‘Excellent,’ he murmured, then leaned forward and quickly deleted the email.

‘What was that?’ Solace asked.

‘Nothing important,’ he said, then he kissed her, and they both forgot about it.

Because that email didn’t matter. It didn’t matter who his father had been, or what his DNA was.

He knew who he was now. A king, a husband, a father, a lover.

With her, he’d found a home.

With her, he’d found a family.

With her, he’d found love.

With her, he’d found himself.

And there was nothing else he needed.
