Page 32 of Menace

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“You’ll feel betterif you take a shower.” I’m putting away the groceries I got while Caleb slowly takes his jacket off. “It’ll make your muscles relax, and maybe it’ll help break your fever.”

“You’re probably right.” He looks like he’s about to drop.

“You want some food? You should probably try to eat and drink something.”

For a split second, he looks like I imagine he did as a little kid. “I wouldn’t say no to one of those grilled cheeses you were talking about with some Gatorade.”

“Then that’s exactly what you’ll have.”

Watching his back as he leaves the kitchen, I pick up my phone, shooting off a quick text to Mason.

K: He tested positive for the flu. We got his prescription, doctor was very adamant that he push the fluids, so I got him some stuff to drink and some classic comfort food. We’re home now, he’s showering, I’m making him a grilled cheese, and I’m going to raid your dresser for something comfy to wear. Any objections?

I realize I’m not only being presumptuous, but I’m stepping on all kinds of boundaries with the message I just sent to Mason. I wonder how he’ll respond to it.

M: Thank you so much for taking care of him. Thank you for taking that stress off me and being my partner when I really need one. Babe, get whatever you need. I’ll be home in about an hour. Wait for me?

You can’t knock the smile off my face with a two by four. Him requesting I stay, telling me it’s okay to raid his clothes? We just moved into boyfriend and girlfriend territory, and I’m as giddy as I was when I was a teenager about it.

K: Me and your couch have a date with a blanket and a nap after Caleb lies down. Taking care of a teenager is tough work, but I think I handled it well.

M: You did, and we’re grateful to you for it. When I get in, I’ll lie down with you.

K: Seriously my favorite part of the day, and I can’t wait.

No matter how stressful these last few hours may have been, I’m completely and totally looking forward to the rest of the night.



When I pullinto my driveway, the pit of my stomach warms, and my heart beats a little faster. Having another car parked next to where mine normally is, having someone inside, waiting on me? I never imagined there would be a time in my life that I could count on any of it. No one is more surprised than me, that I can now.

The house is quiet when I enter through the side door, but when I listen closely, I can hear the TV playing softly in the living room. It’s seven at night when I check the clock, but obviously these two had a rough day. Taking off all my gear and slipping out of my boots, I make my way into the living room, and what greets me puts the biggest smile on my face.

Karina lies on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket, wearing one of my shirts, sleeping so soundly she hasn’t noticed me come in. As quiet as I can, I walk over to where she lays, gently putting my hand on her shoulder.

“Rina, wake up, I’m home,” I whisper.

She stirs slightly and then sits up when she realizes it’s me. “Hey.” Her voice is thick with sleep as she tries to acclimate to her surroundings. “I didn’t mean to sleep that long.”

“It’s okay.” I slide into the spot vacated by her, pulling her down across my lap. “You’ve had a rough day.”

“So have you.” She reaches up, pushing her fingers through my hair. The move is soothing rather than sexual. Grabbing her hand when she pulls it away, I bring her fingers to my mouth, kissing the tips.

“It’s been a hell of a day.” I sigh, kicking out my feet in front of me. “How’s Caleb? I don’t want to wake him up, but I’ll go check on him here in a few minutes.”

“What time is it?” she asks, looking around for a clock. “It’s probably almost time to take his temperature again.”

“Little after seven. Give me a rundown of what the doctor said before we go check on him. Do you know how hard it was for me to leave his care to someone else?” I push her bangs back off her forehead, enjoying the rhythmic way I’m stroking her skin.

“Do you know how hard it was for your son to let me help him?” She laughs. “He kept apologizing. Saying he was costing me too much money and that he was an adult and he should be able to take care of all this by himself.”

“He gets that from me.” My tone is rueful. “I’m constantly telling him that it’s time he take responsibility for his actions. But I never meant it was time for him to pay his medical bills on a busboy and waiter’s tips. How much do I owe you, by the way? Between the medicine, doctor’s visit, and food, I know this wasn’t cheap.”

She sits up, gazing at me long enough to make it uncomfortable. “Mason,” she sighs, running her palm along the beard on my cheek. “You’ve done a lot on your own for so long. I can’t believe what you’ve done on your own. It was mindboggling to me, and like I knew that you were strong, knew that you took your responsibilities seriously, but for as young as you were… Holy shit, I’m just…” she lets the words trail off in the silence of the room.

“Not gonna lie.” I tilt my head into her palm. “When I was eighteen- nineteen, it was scary as hell. At least when I was a minor, Caleb got state health insurance, so I never had to worry about any of that stuff. Until I turned eighteen, and his mom left. Then it was up to me, that’s why I joined the Army. You know how scary it was filling out the paperwork for a life insurance policy, knowing it was there in case something happened to me, but also trying to figure out who would take care of my child at the same time?”
