Page 63 of Menace

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He makes his way over to the rocking chair, having a seat, and I carefully place my daughter in his arms. In that moment Caleb does fall in love with his baby sister. It’s written plainly across his face. The look of complete and total devotion fills a spot in my heart I didn’t even know was empty.

From her spot on the bed, I see Karina take a picture of the moment in front of her. Our eyes meet, and as two parents I don’t think we can be more pleased with what’s transpiring in front of us. Caleb is counting her toes, making sure they’re all there.

“Ten fingers, ten toes, gorgeous eyes, and hair like Kari’s. I think you’re just about perfect, Kelsea.” He grins to her and as he tucks the blanket a little tighter around her, I watch her reach up and grab his finger. He doesn’t stop speaking. “I’ll protect you with everything I have. I’ve waited a long time to have a sibling, and I’ll make sure you never have to worry about anything. You’ll never worry if you have a friend, because I’ll only be a phone call away. You’ll never worry if you need a confidant because I’ll never judge. And by God, you will have the most amazing cupcakes for your birthday, I will personally see to it.”

The group of us laugh, knowing what those words mean to him. He looks up at us smiling, and I take a seat on the bed next to Karina.

“You good?” she asks as she leans in to my side. I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her to me. My heart is so full as I look at the picture in front of me. I know eventually her parents will show up, my mom will make an appearance, and I’ll make an effort with my dad by sending him a picture. None of that matters more than the other three people in the room with me. Regardless of anything that’s happened. My wife, my son, my daughter – they are my family. They are my legacy, and no one will ever be able to take that away from me. Secure in that knowledge, I’m happy as I look out over my family

As the door to the room opens and the guys from the MTF pour in, their own kids with them, I kiss her, giving her a smile. “No babe, I’m great.”

And as everyone starts cooing over Kelsea, welcoming Caleb back, and congratulating us on a job well done, I know without a doubt it will never get much better than this.”

The teenage fuckup, the single dad, and the loner of the crew – none of those labels apply any more.

The one that does?

Mason Harrison: happy man.





Menace: I love my wife, but sometimes...I just have to show her who I am.

Havoc: HA! I heard about this!!!

Cruise: Shit, is this why I have a five minute voicemail from Mom?

Tank: I have zero idea what's going on here, so please enlighten me.

Menace: My lovely wife??told me I don't understand the pressure she's under to cook Thanksgiving dinner, while working a full-time job and taking care of our daughter.

Renegade: Ummm.....

Ace: Did she forget that you were a single father for like seventeen years?

Menace: I am SO glad you asked that question. She appears to have totally forgotten that fact.

Cruise: I'm bowing out. She's my Mom.

Menace: And I'm your Dad.

Cruise: Fuck...

Menace: So would any of you like to bring a side dish or dessert? I'm deep frying the turkey's.

Renegade: Whit was planning on bringing homemade Mac & Cheese.

Menace: No go my friend, we need to do this on our own. I'll be damned if I take shit from any of your wives. This is something we need to prove we can do.

Havoc: I'm feelin' like this is something you need to prove...not me.

Menace: You took a dance class for your wife. I'm not listening to you.
