Page 132 of The Vow

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I glance at my screen, then respond, "Thanks." More anger flares. I hang up and lock eyes with Kalim. "He has her there."

He opens his door. "Time to go."

We get into the back of the van. There are two guys inside. I don't ask their names, nor does Kalim.

I restate, "I want a gun."

He shakes his head. "That's not changing, Riggs."

My rage overpowers me. I reach for his throat, and he grabs my arm and twists it behind my back.

In a calm voice, he states, "Let's get something straight. I'm on your side, but I'm in charge of this mission. Understand?"

"It's my wife," I seethe.

He nods and pins his dark gaze on mine. In a cold voice, he claims, "My only goal is to get her out of there unharmed. If anyone's getting shot, it's coming from my hand. Understand?"

I don't like it. I prefer to be the one in control. So I continue scowling at him, ignoring the pain that begins to crawl through my arm.

"I need your cooperation on this, or I'm not letting you go in," he declares.

The sharp sensation gets worse. I grit my teeth.

He questions, "What's it going to be, Riggs? Do I drop you off somewhere else, or are you capable of following orders?"

More tension fills the air.

He lowers his voice. "I think your wife might need you in there."

I swallow my pride. For once, I'm going to have to submit and allow someone else to take the lead. It's not my choice, but Kalim's proven to be nothing but a force. He always does what he says, and I have to admit that he's more skilled than I am. So I finally relent. "Understood."

He releases my arm and nods. "If you rub it, the sting will go away faster."

I grit my teeth again but don't touch my arm, preferring to feel the pain to help mask what Noah might be doing with my wife.

He grunts. "You're a stubborn bastard."

I snarl, "Just get me my wife back."



"Sit," Noah demands, pointing at the couch.

My mother's body lies in front of it. The pool of blood widens around her, soaking her clothes and hair.

I can't control the bile and crouch down. I toss my cookies onto the wood floor while holding King Madden close to my chest. He whines and tries to escape, but I clutch him tighter, afraid of what my father or Noah might do to him.

"Jesus. Just like when you were a child," my father states.

I glance at my mother's bloody face. I can't hold it in and begin to cry. My mother wasn't a great person, but she was the only mom I knew. I choke out, "Why did you kill her?"

My father steps in front of me. His expression turns darker than I've ever seen it. His voice stays calm yet powerful, like the in-control man I've always known him to be until recently. He answers, "She was a loose cannon. We don't need dead weight hanging around. And you're not an exception."

My insides quiver harder. I squeeze my eyes shut, wishing all this to be a nightmare. My stomach spasms again, and I find a way to keep the bile down. I open my eyes and whisper through tears, "I'm your daughter. You're going to kill me too?"

"Not until we both get what we want," Noah interjects, running his hand down my spine.
