Page 54 of Hope of Realms

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“Open it up.” My voice is a grate, but my rising desires are sure to transform it soon. I let the spell take over, pushing more words up my throat. “Then your own jacket and blouse too.”

Her fingers tremble. She glances up at me with a knitted brow.

“Do it, Kara. I want to see.”

Ineedto see.

The tremors move up, taking hold of her lips. But in all the best ways. Her small smile is my new addiction. Better yet is the confidence that makes her hands deft and swift, taking hold of the fabric layers that are shielding her light. Herlife.

This miracle that we’ve formed together.

Glowing even bolder and brighter from the spaces below her breasts.

The sight isn’t new, but my feelings about it are. The amazement and wonder that I longed to indulge in the doctor’s office but held back out of concern for being her strength instead…they’re all here again, only a dozen times more vibrant and explicit. Slicing me so much deeper, as if intent on rearranging all my vitals. Such a direct contrast to how I lay a hand across the gentle sweep of skin that covers Kara’s stomach.

As my palm travels left then right, the colors fade into each other in much the same way they did earlier. The whole spectrum is there, violet and blue melding into emerald and amber, as if our little tree is already trying to bloom in full. Every new shade brings a fresh flow of awe to my soul, as if the cosmos has poured pure starshine through my being. I can’t think of any moment in my life feeling any better…

Until I lift my head and look at Kara.

Her tears have collected into full pools in her eyes. In every drop that clings to her lower lashes, I see the same kind of flames that take over her pupils when she’s overcome with lust or fury. In this form they’re like snow globes, with frosty trees and sleighs usurped by bright ribbons of amber, sienna, and saffron.

For a long moment, I gladly give up my air. What is it to me anyway? Something that gives me life? I understand it all now.

I didn’t have a life before her.

I had things to do, nobly labeled as purpose and worthiness. I had fancy titles and experiences and awards. And yes, I had people I cared for, and still do.

But nothing like this. Nothing like the magnitude I attempt to convey now, my jaw and tongue struggling for words that refuse to come. Feelings that mere syllables can’t encompass.


I have to settle for phrasing her name as my worship. A whisper I can only hope to inject with the reverence it deserves.



Only now, with the treasuring touch she runs across my cheek, do I comprehend how heavy my own tears have grown. I taste the few that reach the corners of my mouth. I free them from her fingertips by taking those tender pads with quiet, adoring kisses.

“It’s all right,” she utters past shaky breaths. “I know, my love. Iknow.”

I don’t believe her. I should, but I don’t. How can she fathom all of this? If it’s threatening to break me apart with its glory, how hasn’t it already shatteredherlike a crystal vase?

I shove away that image by dropping my head and throwing it from side to side. “No,” I grate out. “You can’t…becauseIcan’t…Fuck.” I dig a hand across the top of my head. “How can I say—”

“You don’t.” Her head is rolling in a slow shake, as well. “You just don’t. And that’s okay.”

“Then what do—”

“You show me.”

Her hand, still glistening with some of my tears, again drops to her waistband. With her other, she reaches for the button on mine. In the same coordinated moment, she twists them open. We’re both a step further toward freedom. The deliverance that will take us right back to bondage—with each other. Around and inside each other.

“Show me, Maximus. Please.”

And I thought my impatience was a living hell before.

With a rough groan, I rear up enough to rebalance myself. From there, it’s short work to get Kara out of her silk pants and barely-there panties. While the glow from her belly has mellowed, the gleam between her legs is like the brightest beam of dawn. It entrances my gaze in matching measure. When will this woman cease to enthrall me?

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