Page 62 of Hope of Realms

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“Because of whathejust assumed.” Reg swings her head toward Jesse. “And what many others in the same mindset would. But why? You think Hecate has something to gain by getting that book?”

Ridges form in Jesse’s brow. “Does she have something to lose, then?”

“The grimoire bears her name,” she states. “It’s a book ofherconjurations, which means she already knows them backward and forward. It’s like a VIP access pass when you’re already the star of the show.”

“But there’s got to be a chance she’d still want the pass.”

“Only if she has someone lined up who can capitalize on it. Someone with extraordinary ability.”

I haul in a huge breath past the new pound of my heartbeat. “Someone like Kara.”

Reg angles her head with shrewd consideration. “Writing’s huge on that wall, as they like to say. I reckon she showed up to the Valari compoundtout de suiteafter learning what Kara had done with the grimoire less than an hour after finding it.” She meets my gaze with direct purpose. “Clearly, the grimoire speaks to your woman in significant and magnificent ways. Hecate knows that without a doubt. So why would she want to break up the dream team, especially if she’s certain that Kara will gear up for the Iremia Squadron when the battle trumpets sound?”

“Shit.” Jesse’s energy changes so fast, the toy hand stalls and smacks down on his head. “That’s making a large amount of sense.”

I claw a hand through my beard. “All right. Let’s assume that’s so. But it only narrows our search by one suspect—if finding the grimoire is still a priority.”

Reg folds her arms. Twists her lips until they reach contortion status. “Not a priority. A necessity.”


“Kara’s bond with the book is strong but not exclusive. If I’m aware of this, with my limited knowledge about the underworld, then others are too.Plentyof them. And, as we speak, they’re likely hatching sure-fire plans to escalate the VIP pass value for that nifty tome.”


Jesse ensures I don’t have to blurt another query. That’s a very good thing, granting me the head time to snag an answer on my own.


My brain is slammed by a new vision of Dr. Doug, along with everything he revealed to us in his exam room.

Beings like us…we’re awesome and amazing because we’ve been allowed to be…through the dominion that the humans have handed to us…

“It’s the humans,” I repeat. “More specifically, the ones that’ll be gathered in one place in Hollywood tonight.”

“Okay…” Jesse extends the word in time to his wary scrutiny. “Do I dare ask for those details? Because, dude, if you even mentionSoilent Green…”

Reg cuts in on him with a bark so sharp, it borders on laughter. “Oh, my. Professor North, we need to get you out more.”

Another well-timed pause, allowing my full conclusion to solidify. “The grimoire will become more powerful if the thieves get their hooks into humans.”

Jesse snorts. “So, noSoilent Green. We’re just skipping straight to the Donner Party.”

“Psychologicalgrips,” I clarify. “The intense energy that can only be supplied by a lot of ambitious souls.”

Between one blink and the next, my best friend’s face ignites with realization. “Like the kind of crowd that attends a major Hollywood awards presentation.”

Reg steps forward again, her pace determined and her shoulders steeled. The grit on her warrior’s features makes me wonder if she’s going to manifest a pair of sticks simply to throw them.

Instead, she forms words. They’re phrased as a question, though I already know that part’s a flimsy formality.

“How do I get added to your security detail for tonight?”



“Darling, enough with the modesty. I’ve seen you naked before.”

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