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“Can you believe that man?” I blinked as I rotated on my heel to face the empty office doorway. A doorway that remained empty as I stared at it. “Ella? You can come out now.”

Ella, my boss and best friend in the world, squealed as she darted out of the office from where she’d obviously been hiding just beyond the door frame. “I’m so excited for you! Andy told me all about him. He’s a brand new ranger, hot to trot, keen as burger mustard and gorgeous to boot. Plus, he’s single and wants to make all the best impressions! You can’t lose,” she told me seriously, then squeaked again. “Girl, I'm so happy for you!”

“Whoa. Hold that race horse.” I held up both hands. “And who calls itburger mustard? Did you hear the crap that man spouted?”

Ella nodded enthusiastically. “Yup. You got this one spinning good. Must be all those SoCal vibes.”

“Mhmm.” I didn’t correct my friend on Californian locations as I had bigger issues to argue over right now. “So youwantme to go out with him? Mister...Cunningham?” Never mind the fact that I'd been so busy staring at his movie star worthy chiseled jawline or the way those shoulders filled out his shirt. I’d alwaysbeen a sucker for a good set of shoulders, and they’d always gotten me in trouble. The sky blue eyes that stared back beneath a cute swath of sandy brown-blond hair didn’t help either.

Damnit, shoulders and blue eyes. I’m screwed.

Ella, pursed her lips, a hand pressed to her swollen belly as she bowed forward. "Man, I'm lucky I could get off the floor.”

"I reckon so.” I eyed her swollen body critically. "Should you even be working? Maybe you should go home and rest or do the books or do Andy... Or something."

"Probably." Ella puffed part of a laugh. "Though I’m not sure sex would even work right now. Will you be all right on your own?"

I smiled and nodded. “Today's orders are already packed and I started on tomorrow this morning so I know what we need to order. Plus, I've got the office to look after." I’d started splitting and repotting some of my own orchids during quiet hours in the shop, all wrapped up with a bright red or white ribbon around their pot. "I'll be fine. Besides, I have Dolly to look after me."

Ella rolls her eyes. "That damn Dahlia..."

"I know." I smirked. "Anyway, I think I gave a Texas Ranger a bit of a run for his money."

Ella nodded, her gaze flitting to the door. "Never in doubt. Call me if you need anything."

"We’ll be fine." I shooed Ella out the door, not looking when the little bell above it jingled twice in quick succession. I sighed. "What did you forget?"

"I've got a delivery for a D-duffy? Duffrey. No, Godfrey? This writing is so bad." Out of the corner of my eye I saw a white and orange blur. I straightened to find a lady with frizzy orange hair who attempted to push the mass back from her red, sweaty face staring at me, holding a small stack of boxes.

"Oh hell. I'm so sorry. I thought you were my boss. "

"I wish. You got a Goffrey here?" She offered the boxes to me and passed a small tablet to sign along one edge of the box.

I shook my head. "Wrong address. Sorry.” I checked the boxes and frowned. "Well, right address, wrong name." Maybe it was a supplier of Ella’s who’d gotten the name wrong? I checked over the boxes and the paperwork but couldn’t find anything on the computer, and there were no other markings. I shook my head again. "Sorry. Try the shops on either side?" I indicated to the neighboring coffee shop and shoe shops that flanked us on the streetfront.

The driver shook her head, hefting her burden back to the front doors. I held it for her as she looked at both in both directions and turned left with a shrug.

I made it back to the front desk as my phone beeped. Pulling it out of my apron, I checked the messages. It was from Ella, but she hadn't said much, just a phone number.

Acton Cunningham.

Pressing my lips together to hold back a sigh, I tossed my phone onto the counter and ignored it throughout the afternoon, repotting my orchids and working on my bow tying skills. More than once Ella suggested I go to bow tying school. Hours of well tied bows later, the shop was filled with red and white.

I wandered about, adjusting my earlier work before my skills improved. I could see which were the most recent, and fixed the wilting ones. Finally, I managed to get back to Dolly and checked my phone. I shunted the dahlia to one side, checking her leaves and giving her a spritz of cool water. A few messages sat waiting on my phone, one with a new number that I didn't recognise, though it matched the one Ella sent across earlier.

Way too much pressure for a single girl. Though the man clearly had skills, though they weren't in the dating department. That made him kind of...endearing. I snorted at the thought,bending over the counter to stretch my back while I scrolled through them.

Acton Cunningham sent through a note about a dinner date, another about an upcoming event, and questions about my favorite flowers. The man was a chatterbox, if not in person. I wanted to be able to tell him that he had settled into the new Ranger unit he’d been assigned to; nothing could be more obvious that the job was his calling; it was his confidence that failed him.

He mentioned that, being a new Ranger, though thanks to Andy and Ella’s general gossip, I knew plenty about the new onboarding Ranger. He compared himself to his friend, Andy Mathews; tall, straightlaced straight down the line, romantic, and was the most loyal and steadfast Ranger I've ever met. And being the best friend and employee of his wife, I’d met quite a few.

From what I’d seen, the Rangers in Andy’s unit had a lot in common. Usually, they were quiet men, no show ponying, and always honest with a warm smile. Except Jake, but the pale blond Ranger fell into a cheeky league of his own. Apart, they were solitary figures; together, they created a band of brothers who backed each other at every turn, even if they didn’t always agree with each other.

Acton Cunningham was a bit like all of them, and nothing like anyone else I’d ever met. His looks could place him in Hollywood but...I didn’t think that sort of spotlight was his aim, despite his epic outgoing personality. No, I suspected the newest Ranger hadn't found a place in the world just yet.
