Page 13 of Texting The CEO

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“But you are.” He shrugs and smirks at me.

“Dirty? No way. And old? That’s a reach for 37.”

“How old is she?” The gleam in his eyes tells me that he’s about to make his point.

I shrug.

“Don’t do that, Deck. Come on out with it and tell me. I’m not going to go after her.”

“Just know that she’s over the age of 18.”

He scoffs. “Barely. Tell yourself whatever you want about that new assistant of yours but I know you. I can read you like an open book. She’s here because she’s got that cute little innocent face and those big golden hazel eyes that make people feel like she’s not a threat.”

“She’s not.”

“Bullshit.” He laughs. “Whatever the reason you have her around-”

“I needed a new assistant, Vincent. That’s it. You took Mel from me. Derek didn’t last two weeks. Mark was downright inept. Tracy was too good to be my assistant.”

He nods in agreement. “Yeah, shehasbeen an amazing addition to our sales team.”

“Exactly. So, Miss Meyers is simply trying out for the role to see how well she fits.”

The boyish grin on his face gives me little hope of a serious response. Vincent chuckles as he says, “Or how well she fits around you.”

“Not going to happen.” I can feel the lie as soon as it leaves my mouth. Vincent waves a hand at me, refusing to believe what I’m saying as well.

“We’ll see. I predict that you’ll be in search of a new assistant in about a month. That’s if she lasts that long.”

I shake my head. “You don’t know that. She’ll be perfect.”

“Will she?” Vincent leaves me with thoughts of me scaring another assistant. Well, technically, the previous ones leaving their position have nothing to do with me. It’s all circumstantial, but the way Denise taunts me with that Daddy shit, she’s begging for ruin. How does she know to stroke that part of me? She’ll fall in love while I can’t promise her anything. But what if it’s me who’s in trouble?

I can already tell from the taste of her sweet orgasm on my tongue that once I feel her clenching around me, I won’t be able to stop. Perhaps, I’m the one destined for ruin. I have to keep Denise away from me or else she’ll distract me from my goals and leave me panting for more like a lovesick puppy.



The inner workings of Burnz and Earnz Fitness fascinates me in a way I never thought possible. The intricacy of a fitness company is so close to the companies I study in school, it’s incredible. I find myself warming up to the employees, well, most. Pucker Face Mrs. Perry still has me on her shit list for whatever reason.

Mel, Mr. Alessandro’s assistant, is sweet enough and has given me the lay of the land. She even lets me know about Declan’s previous assistants and why he goes through so many. I can’t wait to tell Dalia about it all.

I’m able to float from department to department, but I can’t help but feel like I’m bumping into Declan at every turn. There’s a moment during lunch when I’m sitting at my desk in front of his office.

The way he moves in his suits, like he’s a model fresh off a couture runway, make me wonder if he’s ever posed for his company’s marketing media. I want to see the muscles in those legs as they stand in front of me while I inhale every inch. My mind immediately goes to sex with Declan.

I want it all with him, and he won’t give it to me out of some irrational fear that I’ll be stuck on him. I’m already stuck. He walks by me without a word, and I continue with my tasks for the day.

When it’s time to clock out, he’s still sitting in his office. Being his assistant means I have to stay too, right?

I knock softly on his office door a few minutes after six and poke my head inside. His suit jacket is hanging on a coat rack. The sleeves of his button-up shirt are rolled up to his elbows. The top buttons are undone, revealing the slightest peek of chest hair. He doesn’t even notice I’m here.

“Mr. Daniels?” I call out to him, but he doesn’t respond. He’s pacing behind his desk with a report in his hand, tuning me out. It’s not until I step inside completely and close the door behind me that he looks up.

His eyes look glazed over, like he’s unaware of what’s going on as they scan his surroundings. He holds up his wrist to check the time. A man with a watch is something special.

I don’t know why that stands out to me. It’s probably because everyone is always glued to their phones that when someone seems to avoid theirs, it sets them apart from everyone else.
