Page 86 of Mafia and Angel

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A while later I heard the front door open, and then Anni and Aloysius entered the study, knowing that I’d be waiting for them there.

I glared at Anni but said nothing as she came in. I was sitting behind my desk while Marco stood at my side.

“Boss,” Aloysius said, nodding at Marco.

“Sit,” I ordered my wife, nodding at the chair in front of the table.

She was wearing that fucking fluffy white cat costume again. As she sat, I noticed some spots of red on the white fur. I clenched my fists—I’d kill any fucker that had hurt her.

“It’s not blood,” said Aloysius, following my gaze. “It’s just red paint that was thrown by protesters.”

Anni looked up at Marco and me. “I’m sorry—” she began.

“I’m not interested in fucking apologies,” snapped Marco. “Do you know what would have happened if Aloysius hadn’t arrived?”

“I never thought—”

“Once the cops saw your name, the Feds would be all over you before you could even blink.” He wasn’t letting Anni get a word in.


“And how long do you think you’d last under the Feds before they started to get information out of you?” he demanded. This was a completely different Marco to the guy who invited her to a family dinner a few weeks ago.

“I wouldn’t—”

“For fuck’s sake, Anni! They wouldn’t just be asking about the Fratellanza—they’d be interrogating you about your own family too,” yelled Marco, thumping the table in front of her.

Anni visibly flinched. I could tell that she was frightened of him. He was a scary fucker when he was in a good mood; when he was in a bad mood, he was terrifying.

“Get her under fucking control,” Marco growled at me, before striding out of the room and taking his leave.

“I better be going too.” Aloysius shot Anni a sympathetic look.

“Thanks for your help today,” I said to my brother. “I really appreciate it.”

“Sure, anytime,” he said easily.

It was just me and Anni left in the room,

“What the fuck were you thinking?” I yelled after a few moments, unable to hold in my anger any longer. I’d been forced to let Marco, as Capo, take the lead while he was here, but now that he was gone I could finally say what I wanted to say to Anni.

“I’m really sorry.” And she did look sorry, but I didn’t care.

I strode over to her side of the desk.

Yanking her out of her seat, I gripped her arms as I towered above her. “Never leave this house without a fucking guard ever again.”

Her eyes widened at my tone.

“That is—if I let you out of this house ever again.”

She swallowed. “I thought it’d be safe,” she tried to explain. “Chicago Cat-Con is a big deal. I just…wanted to see what it was all about,” she added lamely.

“You remember what curiosity killed, right?” My voice was hard and uncompromising.

“Yeah…the cat,” she whispered. She hugged her arms more tightly around herself as if fearing I might burn her fluffy white cat outfit like I did her tennis dress. Between Wilbur and her costume, the fucking cats in her life were driving me insane.

“Just get out of my fucking sight,” I hissed at her. I was furious at her inability to act like an adult and think things through properly.

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