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Fresh air can wait.

I turn around and walk back into the den, only a few people up and around as they head off for kitchen duty or to work in the garden. I brush past a couple people I know, getting whispered words of congratulation, and then I see Grant coming around the corner with his little boy strapped to his chest in a sling. He shoots me a wide grin and waves, and I take his hand when he extends it for a shake.

“You look like hell,” he says.

“Spoken like a man who knows what it’s like,” I say. “And you only hadone.”

“Hey, it’s not a competition,” Grant scoffs, raising his hands. “Plus, Akari wants more kids so like…I might have you beat soon.”

“Didn’t you just say it’s not a competition?” I laugh. “Besides…I think we’re gonna hold off on more for a while. We need time to get to know each other.”

“It’s gonna be easier than you think,” Grant says. “Also harder. But focus on the easy part.”

“Wow, that was encouraging,” I say.

Grant claps his hand on my shoulder. “You’ve got this, dude. Oh and don’t freak out, but Peaches has company.”

I sigh, but it’s more out of exhaustion than annoyance. Shealwayshas company, and she needs to rest.

“Of course she does,” I chuckle.

I keep heading down the hall, hearing hushed voices as I get close to our room. The door is cracked open, and I push it open gently and look in.

I’ll never get tired of looking at her.

Peaches sits in our nest, surrounded by blankets and friends, our babies held in each arm. Akari perches on the edge of the bed and talks softly with my mate, while Charlotte and Elijah unpack a bag of supplies. They’re one-and-done after they had Daisy in the spring, and they’ve offered all of their daughter’s old hand-me-downs to help us get started.

Peaches looks from Akari to me as I stand in the doorway, crossing my arms and watching with a satisfied smile. She returns the expression, her eyes bright even with the dark circles under them from a long and hard delivery. Suyin has been in and out all morning, but I guess she finally decided that Peaches was good to go.

And we’ve got all these people around—supporting us, lifting us up.

It’s a community…a family.

I’m so damn grateful for them.

I walk inside and get smiles from everyone, tired as they are. Akari has been here all night, and Charlotte and Elijah woke up early to join us when they got the news. I’m sure we’ll get visits from everyone else soon, that our room is going to turn into a revolving door for excited family. I hope we get at least a second to ourselves; Peaches needs rest, and I’ll stand guard outside the door if I have to—

“We should leave you two alone for a bit,” Charlotte says. “Just let us know if you need anything, okay?”

Elijah looks up at me with a wry smile. “I trust you know how to unpack a bag…?”

“Yeah, I know how,” I snort.

They filter out of the room, Akari shooting me a smile as she shuts the door behind her with a soft thud. I walk over to sit on the bed, reaching out to rest my hand on Peaches’ thigh underneath the blankets.

She’s the most stunning thing I’ve ever seen.

Her red hair is wild and messy, curls in a golden halo around her head. Her face is flushed, freckles dark over her rosy cheeks, her brown eyes warm and inviting, her lips full and red. She’s gained weight over the course of her pregnancy, emphasizing every one of her curves, swelling at the hips and breasts.

I want to touch her.

She just gave birth and I’m already aching for her.

“I’ve been thinking about names,” she says, looking down at the babies. They’re a perfect combination of the two of us—one of the girls with dark auburn hair, green eyes, and my complexion; the other with black hair, brown eyes, and Peaches’ pale skin. It blows my mind that my whole world is right here in this bed…and I don’t even know their names yet.

“You get to choose,” I ask. “You’re good at names.”

She smiles.
