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“Send him a text, ask him how he is, offer dinner. Honey, text him!” Natasha announced and left the apartment.

I picked up my mobile, intending to do just that, when I paused. Diesel may think I’m being too forward. Worse, Dieselmight think I’m a hussy. My fingers hesitated over the keypad, and I put the phone down. Then I snatched it up and sent the message.


Diesel was swinging off his bike and grumbling under his breath. Sleeping on Magic’s fucking pull-out was killing his back and making him grumpy. Fuck, he wasn’t that old, but boy did Diesel know about that damn mattress. His phone pinged and, muttering, Diesel yanked it from his pocket. His heart skipped a beat when he saw Alice’s name, and his jaw dropped open in surprise when he read the message.

Magic had smothered Alice this last week, so Diesel hadn’t had any chance to make a move, and here she was, offering him dinner tomorrow night. Diesel frowned and re-read the text several times. Yup, Alice was asking him over for food. Diesel fist-pumped the air without meaning to and let out a soft whoop. He caught Chance’s attention in one of the bays and saw his brother’s long strides eat the distance between them.

“What?” Chance asked, eyeing him curiously.

“Nothing,” Diesel immediately demurred.

Chance sent him a curious glance and snatched his phone before Diesel could stop him.

“Yeah, nothing!” Chance smirked as he read the message. “What ya gonna take?”

Diesel’s head snapped around, and he stared at Chance.


“Brother, you don’t turn up at someone like Alice’s home without a gift,” Chance chided. Diesel frowned.

“What’s going on?” Bear demanded, approaching as Diesel still tried to grab his phone back. Bear snatched it from Chance and read the message.

Diesel folded his arms and sent his pres and VP a threatening glance. Not that either of them cared.

“Don’t go visiting Alice empty-handed. Not if you are claiming her brother,” Bear said.

“Ain’t chocolates and flowers a bit by the by?” Diesel complained.

“Yup, so I’m going to do you a solid.” Bear grinned.

Diesel automatically eyed Bear in suspicion.

“Give me fifty bucks, and I’ll send Thalia out; she’ll know what to get,” Bear replied.

“Fifty bucks on a first date? Won’t Alice think that’s overboard?” Diesel asked.

“Not with the shit Thalia will buy!” Bear whined, and Diesel decided he didn’t want to know. Diesel yanked his wallet from his pocket and gave Bear some cash. Bear waggled his fingers, and Diesel stared at them.

“My tip for helping you out!” Bear teased.

Diesel let out a growl and launched at Bear, taking him down.

Chance grabbed Diesel’s flying phone out of the air and stepped back. He tapped in a response to Alice, mumbling, “Looking forward to it,” as he typed, and turned the phone off to observe.

“Watch the elbow! Right there! Diesel, whack him now!” Chance bellowed as he grinned. He shrugged as brothers and mechanics came out of their bays and the clubhouse. Chance began laughing as he watched money change hands.

“Diesel, you fuck, don’t bruise him too hard! I need a fuck tonight!” Thalia yelled from where she stood with Clio. Rain, their brother, stared in horror, and Chance grinned again. Rain looked positively disgusted at the thought of Thalia having sex.Chance craned his head for the fourth quint, Polly, but she was missing. Must be at the gym with Tiny.

Diesel roared as Bear got a lucky kidney strike in and dragged Bear up to headbutt him. Thalia shrieked, and Diesel heard Chance laugh.


Diesel gazed at the pretty bag in his hand and wondered about his man card. Fuck was he walking through the bar carrying that. He’d already seen the Riders of Vengeance bikes in the car park. Magic remained on a tear about having one MC at a time because of Covid. No point pushing Magic’s buttons further. His hair was hanging floppily over his forehead, hiding the bruise from head-butting Bear. Screw him; the asshole had a head made of concrete.

Chuckling, Diesel walked around the back of the bar where he could enter through the kitchen and avoid everyone else. He wasn’t ashamed of going on a date with Alice but wanted to protect her. Diesel banged on the door, and Brett opened it, looking surprised.
