Page 10 of In Pieces

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“Fuck, Brooklyn,”he groaned into my neck.

Aiden propped himself up so he could look down at me. For a moment, his gaze was completely open and I could see emotions swirling in his eyes. It was more than he ever usually showed me and I could feel tears prick my eyes from the deepness of it. But just as I was about to speak, I saw him shut down.

Pulling back, Aiden tucked himself back into his pants, buttoning and fixing his belt. He held a handkerchief out to me and my panties. The coldness from him was stark compared to the way he felt against me just seconds before. I was shaky as I cleaned myself up and slipped my panties back on. The evening temperature seemed to take a dive, and I started to shiver. He took my elbow to help me off the car and walked me to my side of the Porsche.

Once we were both in the car, Aiden threw it into reverse and soon we were racing toward home. I could feel myself still shivering as I slipped back into my cardigan, the feeling in the car cold and distant.

“Aiden, what happened?”I asked.

“I thought the two orgasms were pretty clear?”He said, his voice laced with arrogance.

His tone stung, and I stared at him for a moment. His face was a mask of indifference and a coldness settled in my chest. I turned to look out the passenger window, leaning toward thedoor, wishing the car was larger than it actually was. I was thankful when I saw the gate leading to home come into view.

When Aiden put the car into park and turned off the engine, he sat like stone behind the wheel. I looked at him, hoping he would say something, anything, to take away the sick feeling I had in my stomach. There was a moment where I almost felt like he was making love to me, instead of just having fun. I let myself get lost in the sensation of that feeling. Now, he was ripping that away, and I didn’t know what was happening.

The silence was more than I could bear. I got out of the car and slammed the door before retrieving my bags. By the time I reached the garage door, Aiden still hadn’t left the car, and I didn’t wait to see what he would do. I snuck from the mudroom, through the kitchen, glad I didn’t run into anyone else at home. When I got to my room, I quietly closed the door and locked it. Even if Aiden had regrets, I wasn’t letting him in now.

I undressed and stepped into a burning hot shower. I left my hair piled on top of my head, not wanting to get it all wet, but needing to wash away what had happened with Aiden. I had never felt like my relationships with any of the guys was just sex until now. Even if what I had with Aiden was fairly new, I didn’t anticipate being used.

By the time I was dressing in sweats, I found a resolution inside myself. I wouldn’t allow myself to be just another piece of ass. If Aiden wanted something casual, he could find it somewhere else. I cared for the Knights, Aiden included. But that didn’t mean he could treat me as if I was just some girl he picked up for the night at the club.

Bolstered by my renewed confidence, I made my way to the kitchen. The house was quiet, except for the sound of someone cooking. When I entered, I found the chef moving around, earbuds in his ears, as he pulled out the ingredients for dinner.I caught his attention, and he froze before smiling and removing the buds and putting them in his pocket.

“Miss Reeves, good evening,”he said.

The Knights’chef couldn’t be much older than me, but he was always extremely polite and businesslike. I smiled at him and took a seat at the island.

“Hi, Chris. Do you mind if I hang out in here while you make dinner?”I asked.

“Of course not. Would you like a glass of wine?”He asked, motioning to a bottle he had opened for dinner.

I nodded and soon I was sipping on a deep red wine that helped warm some of the ice that was still sitting in my chest. Chris had just made a joke involving food, and I was laughing when Jaxon appeared at the entrance of the mudroom. I watched as his eyes shifted between the young chef and me. The only indication of any emotion was the slight tightening of his eyes, before he entered the kitchen and came straight to me.

“Hey, love,”he whispered against my lips as he leaned to kiss me.

His kiss was deep and searing. Without even going to his room to change, Jaxon took the stool next to me and his hand landed on my thigh. I smile over at him, realizing that my even tempered man was actually jealous.




Walkinginto the kitchen and finding Brooklyn laughing with the chef made a fairly unusual feeling rise in my chest. I wasn’t typically a jealous person. But the green-eyed monster started to claw up my throat, and I had to swallow it down as I walked to Brooklyn.

After I sat next to her, the twinkle in her eyes told me she knew why I was sitting next to her. I couldn’t leave now. That would just look even more strange. So, I shrugged out of my suit jacket and hung it on a hook by the mudroom door, before sitting back down with her.

“How was your day, love?”I asked.

Almost immediately, her blue eyes clouded and I knew something was wrong. But Brooklyn was a strong one, and she immediately pushed away whatever was upsetting her, smiling a little too brightly at me.

“Fine. Had to bring some work home, but that’s ok,”she replied.

She lifted her wineglass to her mouth and took a long sip. She swirled the dark liquid and stared into the glass, not making eye contact. I gripped each of her thighs and twisted her on the stool until she was facing me. Taking the glass from her hand, I set it on the island before the red wine spilled all over her. She looked up at me in surprised as I shifted until my stool put me right between her legs.

“What is it?”I asked softly, using a hand to push her chin up until she was looking into my eyes.

“Just a rough day,”she replied.
