Page 11 of In Pieces

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I stared down at her, watching as tears seemed to gather in her ice blue depths, but she blinked and they were gone so suddenly, I had to wonder if I had seen them in the first place. I kissed her lips softly once, then let my mouth wander to her ear.

“Let it go, love,”I whispered.

I could feel her tremble slightly, then her arms went around my shoulders and she was pulling me to her. Instead, I lifted her from her stool and let her climb onto my lap, until she was curled happily with her face in my neck. She took a deep breath and I could feel as her body relaxed.

“You always smell so good, Jaxon,”she said.

I had to laugh a little at that. I didn’t really wear cologne, but I did like the specific scent of my body wash and hair products. If my girl liked it, I’d never change the brand. Hell, I’d buy it in bulk right now.

I rubbed her back, sliding my palm under the oversized sweatshirt she was wearing. Goosebumps broke out on her skin, but she just sighed and leaned into me more fully. We sat like that, as Chris moved around the kitchen, continuing dinner. I noticed that he had put his earbuds back in, taking the hint that this was a private moment. With the jealous feeling gone, I felt slightly guilty for thinking about firing Chris for a split second, just for making Brooklyn laugh. My inner thoughts could be ridiculous.

Brooklyn’s hand moved to her wine glass, and she took another sip, but didn’t try to move from my lap. I was perfectly content having her as close as possible, at least with clothes on. I wasn’t sure what was bothering her. But I knew she was home, and she was physically safe. Anything else we could handle.

Moments later, the rumble of Gideon’s motorcycle could be heard in the garage. Brooklyn’s head picked up, but she didn’t make a move to go back to her stool. When the rumble stopped and Gideon appeared in the kitchen, he took in the scene, and I could see the concern cross his face. He came to us and Brooklyn angled her face toward him so he could kiss her hello.

“Hi,”she said in a small voice.

“Stellina, long day?”He asked.

She just nodded, and he trailed a finger down her cheek.

“I’m going to change and be back down in just a few,”he said.

Brooklyn nodded and burrowed back into my neck. Gideon and I met eyes over her head and I could only shrug slightly, to let him know I really wasn’t sure what was going on with her. He disappeared and when he reappeared, Oliver was also with him,who had apparently entered the house through the front door and changed before coming to the kitchen.

Chris began to serve dinner and Brooklyn started to move from my lap. I circled an arm around her waist, content with her just staying. She leaned back again and kissed my cheek. I pulled her plate over to next to mine and picked up a piece of potato to feed her. She obediently opened her mouth and chewed before I gave her a bite of chicken.

“Where’s Aiden?”Oliver asked.

I felt Brooklyn’s body stiffen at the mention of Aiden and suddenly I was more worried about what was going on.

“His car is in the garage. Probably in his office,”Gideon replied.

Oliver picked up his phone, presumably to text Aiden to get his ass to family dinner. I continued to feed Brooklyn and myself, as my mind whirled around the possibilities. If they had fought, I wasn’t sure Brooklyn would confide in me, Oliver, or Gideon. Whatever had happened between them was enough to send Brooklyn into a spiral and I didn’t like it.

Aiden appeared at the entrance of the kitchen and his eyes immediately went to Brooklyn. But where usually his gaze is light and happy when he looks at her, now it was dark and shutdown. He already had a scotch in his hand and he took his plate to a stool across from Brooklyn, instead of sitting on the one she had vacated.

Brooklyn had turned into stone on my lap and she shook her head when I tried to give her more food. She sipped her wine and turned her face away from the table and I had the suspicion she was avoiding looking at Aiden at all. Over her head, I could see Oliver and Gideon exchanging looks before they both looked at me.

Downing her wine, Brooklyn put her glass down and pulled out of my embrace.

“I have some work to do. I’m going to head upstairs,”she announced.

“You haven’t finished your dinner,”Oliver pointed out.

“I’m not really hungry,”she murmured, as she put her feet down, standing between my legs.

“Do you want me to come with you?”I whispered quietly, hugging her carefully.

“No, babe. Finish your dinner. I’m just going to work,”she said.

She kissed my cheek before leaving the kitchen in a rush. I couldn’t help but follow her with my eyes as she left. Oliver and Gideon both did as well and when they turned back to their plates, we all just stared at Aiden, who was just staring into his scotch.

I pushed around my food for a moment, trying to decide how to broach the subject of what the fuck was happening right now. Things had been on a positive track with Brooklyn. She had become comfortable in our home, behaving as if it were her own, exactly how we wanted things. The way she had come out of her shell was amazing, and we were drawn to her like moths to a damn flame. Tonight, she had felt like the same doe in the headlights as when she ran from us at the club the first night.

“What did you do?”I finally growled, not realizing how my anger was rising.

“Who?”Oliver said, his fork halfway to his mouth, looking around, confused.
