Page 11 of The Awakening

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“Nothing happened, Jess, I swear.” His replying to my thoughts is not helping. “Jess, are you still there?”

“Yes,” I rub my temples, feeling a headache building.

“Can I see you tonight?” David asks.

Might as well get this over with. “Yeah.”

“What time do you get off?”

“How did you know my schedule for yesterday, but not for today? Today’s my day off.” Wow, my bitchy responses are even throwing me off. “Ugh, sorry. Just this whole thing is freaking me out.”

“I totally understand and for what it’s worth, it’s not meant to. Will you come to my house around eight? I’ll cook dinner and we can talk.”

“Yeah, all right,” I agree.

“Do you remember how to get here?” David asks.

“Yes.” I did after all manage to find my way home after the massive three-block drive.

The dogs and I spend the next couple of hours hanging out until it’s time to get ready. I don’t do much, pull my hair up in a ponytail, and put a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. This isn’t a date, at least, I don’t think it is. After I grab my cell phone I shoot my dad a quick text letting him know I’m going out.

David answers the door before I can press the doorbell, he must have been watching for me. As soon as I walk in, he pulls me into his arms and kisses me so passionately I nearly forget my name. Scenes from last night’s dream come back. I nearly wrap my legs around his waist and ask him to take me upstairs. Thankfully, I get a grip. “Hi.” My response is so unsteady he laughs. Gee, I’m glad he finds humor in my inability to control myself. But damn, that kiss was mind melting. On that note, I grab him by the shirt collar and pull him back in for another.

When we break for air he as nuzzles his nose to mine and asks, “Are you hungry?”

Food is the furthest thing from my mind, but I remember he said he’d cook. “Yes.” He takes me by the hand, leads me to the table and pulls the chair out like a true gentleman.

The lavish spread he sets out blows me away and in the center of it all is a vase of fresh sunflowers. “Sunflowers, how did you know they’re my favorite?” I ask, sliding one of the petals between my fingers.

“Would you believe a lucky guess?” he smirks, and I shake my head. “Let me serve you, Amor.”

Cooking and serving, he’s not missing a trick. I watch in wonder as David fills my plate with a little bit of everything. There’s no way he can be as perfect as he appears right now. What’s the catch?

He turns to me. “Let me know what you think.”

The first bite hits my tongue and my eyes close. Every flavor of this lasagna bursts as it hits my tongue. Oregano, basil, garlic, even the sausage he chose is one of the best I’ve tasted. “This is fantastic. Where did you learn how to cook?”

“I took a culinary arts class,” David replies.

Culinary arts, my ass, I took that class and all I succeeded at was burning water. Yes, I said it. I burning water. In other words, I left the pot unattended and all the water evaporated and the bottom of the pot got scorched. Needless to say, my teacher was not happy and the failing grade I got for that assignment nearly killed my GPA.

“Why aren’t you eating?” I ask, noticing his plate sits untouched.

“Oh, I sampled too much while I was cooking and it filled me up,” he claims, waving his hand in my direction. “Eat up. It pleases me to know you’re enjoying the food.”

“You invited me for dinner and then you don’t eat with me?” Why I am so taken aback by this, I can’t explain. It appears as of late my emotions control me, not the other way around.

“I’m sorry, I’m drinking wine with you and I’ll have dessert when you’re ready for it.” He smiles and winks, making me forget why I was angry.

When I finish, he clears my plate and brings in two ramekins of crème brûlée topped with fresh raspberries and a light dusting of powdered sugar. Beyond full, I need to get up and move so I start clearing the table.

“No, Amor, you’re my guest,” David says as he tries to stop me.

“It’s rude to eat at someone’s house and not help with the dishes,” I reply. “Besides, I need to move around. I’m suffering carb overload right now.”

He backs down and together we get it cleaned up and the dishwasher loaded and running. “So, what do you have planned for tonight?”

“I thought we could watch a movie or talk and catch up,” David says though he seems nervous.
