Page 20 of The Awakening

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“It’s not reading so much. Telepathically, I can transmit my voice into your thoughts. I manifested in your dreams and shared my memories of our childhood. My hope was that when we finally met you’d be more comfortable with me and not alarmed. Fear was the last thing I wanted, but I can see that didn’t go as off as I’d anticipated,” David says and I try to see it from his perspective, but it just isn’t working for me.

“Your execution was seriously flawed. Didn’t you think it would freak me out to see someone from my dreams in reality?” How did he not see this coming?

“Not before now. I’m sorry. Will you ever be able to forgive me?” David asks.

“Yes.” Because the truth of the matter is I know I’m falling in love with him no matter how hard I fought it, though I’m not quite ready to share that with him, yet.

“Come on,” he stands and holds a hand out to help me up. “Let me fix you something to eat.”

“Why do you have food if you don’t eat?” This makes zero sense to me.

“For you of course.” He winks at me.

David throws a snack plate together for me. While I eat, I gather my thoughts and once we are comfortable again I open myself back up. “Where do we go from here?”

He kisses the top of my head. “Wherever you wish, Amor, you know that my heart is yours and wherever you are is where I want to be.”

Time to fess up. “I filled out the enrollment package for ASU today.”

“Perfect, I’ll do the same. What courses did you take?” he asks, far too pleased. Did he know I was going to do this?

I snort.

“What’s so funny?”

“Core classes for now but possibly moving into business administration,” I admit.

“You are going to keep me on my toes, Jess.”

Chapter Eight


Over the summer, we barely spend a night apart. Days he sleeps while I work and before we know it, the start of our first semester is only a week away. I take this week off so we can go to campus and purchase our books and supplies and map out where our classes are. Once classes start my work schedule will change to days and I also cut back my hours.

The Sunday before classes start my dad asks if he and I can spend the day together. It has been a while since we had a father daughter day. He asks if he can take me school shopping like we did when I was little and out to lunch. This brings back such fond memories for me.

The retailers are having their back to school sales and we get a ton of great deals. After shopping, we overindulge at the Olive Garden in all you can eat soup, salad, and breadsticks to the point of pain. But I’m never too full for those yummy chocolate mints that come with the bill.

“How are you going to swing work and school, Jess?” Dad asks while we eat.

“I cut my hours to part-time so I could take eighteen credits,” I reply, pretty proud of myself for thinking ahead like that.

He’s pleased with this. “That was very well thought out, Jess. I’m so proud of you.” Dad then hands me a large envelope.

I assume he is trying to give me money so I hand it back. “Dad, living at home has allowed me to save my paychecks to help pay for the extras my scholarship won’t cover. Trust me, I’ll be fine.”

He holds his hands up and refuses to take it. “It’s not from me, sweetie.”


“Open it.”

I unclasped the back and remove the papers inside. There are a few legal documents, all of which refer to a trust fund that lists me as the beneficiary.

‘This trust belongs to Ms. Jessica Lynn Cartright. Date of Birth May twenty-fifth, year two thousand and four. This fund is to be dispersed to her upon her eighteenth birthday, May twenty-fifth, year two thousand twenty-two. Until that date, these funds will remain in the care of US Bank and Trust. Her Father, Thomas Wayne Cartright, is the sole trustee of afore mentioned account until the maturity date above when it transfers to Ms. Jessica Lynn Cartright.’
