Page 21 of The Awakening

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I stare blankly up at my father, at a total loss for words.

“The bank book is inside. Your Grandfather Joe started this fund when you were born. He never told your mother or grandmother about it because he knew them all too well. Once he said to me he couldn’t believe the level of selfishness they’d both reached. He said he was elated to have such a great son-in-law with a solid head on his shoulders and that he knew I would always have your best interest in mind. He started this fund with one hundred thousand dollars. I placed the most recent statement in there so you’d know what your current balance was.”

Massive explosions of tears burst forth, running down my cheeks and I can do nothing to stop them. I always knew my grandfather liked me, I just didn’t know he loved me like a grandfather should.

I reach inside and pull out the bank book and statement. When I unfold it I nearly fall off my chair. My hands shake as I take in the total then glance up at my father.

“Your grandfather loved you dearly, Jess. For each birthday until he passed he added as his gift to you, all the while it sat in the bank earning interest. No one but your grandfather and I knew this account existed. He was afraid your mother or grandmother would try and take it from you.”

I’m making such an ass of myself crying the waitress comes over to check on me.

“Is everything all right, sir?” the waitress asks my dad.

“Yes, she received some surprising but good news and was trying to digest it all.” He smiles.

I nod in agreement, attempting a smile though it likely comes off as a grimace.

“Okay, if you need anything I’ll be clearing the tables over there.” She gestures toward the area and walks away.

“Jess, use this money wisely, but if school and work get to be too much, I would rather you quit your job and focus on school and live off that money. You’re welcome to stay at home for as long as you like, so you don’t need to worry about housing.”

Relief washes over me. I was beginning to experience the mental challenge of balancing school, work, and David.

“Jess, I love your mother with all my heart, but I know she hasn’t been the nurturing one I hoped she’d be. I never knew why until I saw her around her own then it all clicked. Unfortunately, she’s an exact replica. Neither have an affectionate bone in their body. I’m not trying to apologize or make excuses for her, that’s not my intention, but I’m hoping this conversation can shed some light on the challenges you two had.”

No one knows me better than my dad. I’ll never understand how a mother can reject her own child, no matter how they were raised. You are the only one who can control you.

After lunch we run a few more errands and when we walk in the door, mine as well as dad’s arms are laden with bags. “Thanks for everything, Dad, I had a great time. Even if I didn’t show it, today meant more than you know,” I say.

“Me, too, baby girl, I’m glad we got some time together.” He chokes up, on the verge of tears.

I run upstairs to get ready to go to David’s. On the way, out I give Dad a quick peck on the cheek and holler, “Don’t wait up and thanks again, Dad, I love you.”

“Love you, too, baby girl.”

David greets me with open arms and kisses that I always look forward to. I no longer have to knock, he gave me a key a few weeks back. We walk to the kitchen where he has dinner waiting. I don’t have the heart to tell him I’m stuffed from lunch.

“Where did you really learn how to cook?” I ask, pointing an accusing fork at him.

“I learned in Italy from a chef named Vicente Mastrianni. He owned a restaurant off the coast of Naples.” He says it like this is normal for everyone, to be taught how to cook by a world-renowned chef.

“So, your mom didn’t teach you then? The lies come out,” I tease.

“Actually, she did. But Vicente taught me the proper way to prepare authentic Italian food,” David says.

He swirls a glass of what I hope is wine in his hand. The rich color swishes inside the glass, then it dawns on me. “What are you drinking?”


The fork slides out of my grasp and hits the ground. I know the look on my face is less than desirable, so I do my best to smooth it over, first by closing my mouth and picking up my fork. Nothing further is said nor does it need to be.

He embarks upon clearing away the dinner dishes at a nauseating speed and I swear his feet never touch the floor. My starstruck gaze stops him. “I’m sorry, I usually move like a human when you’re around, but with the comfort level we’ve reached, I hoped I would no longer need to hold back.” He takes it down to a normal speed.

I’ve still not fully embraced the whole vampire thing. Ignoring it is the path I chose though likely not the right one. I walk over and slide my arms around his waist. “You’re right. If this relationship is going to work, I need to accept all of you. I don’t want special treatment. All I ask is that you be yourself around me and um, don’t let me see you hunt.” He laughs and kisses me.

“So, are you excited about school starting tomorrow night?” he asks once we get comfortable.

I crinkle my nose. “Well, excitement and school don’t belong in the same sentence. I wonder if I’ll be able to concentrate in class with you sitting beside me.”
