Page 28 of The Awakening

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“Intro to bondage 101, Mi Amor,” he whispers as he nips along my neckline and down to my breasts. When the peaks hardened, he clips something to one of them.

“Nipple clamps.” He stares down at me, “Oh my god, that’s hot. Are they too tight?”

“No. It’s, ah, causing some throbbing,” I blush.

“I thought I’d introduce some toys into our foreplay,” he waggles his brows.

“For a man who claimed I was his first, you sure do know a lot about this.”

“I’ve had a lot of time to think and research.” He sucks and stretches the other and clamps it.

David nudges my thighs apart and begins massaging my folds, working in a cream or something that has me all warm and tingly. And wet. So very, very wet.

“How does that feel, Amor?” His fingers dip inside. I can barely remember my name let alone put into words how it feels.

“Near. Explosion.” I squirm, not sure if my body is searching for more or what, but my lower half is grinding away.

“No squirming, Amor. Hold tight and don’t come until I tell you to. There’s more and I want see how much you can handle.” His hands return to my breasts, kneading them with the nipple clamps on. Fuck, that is intense. The relentless throbbing in my pussy increases. Control is lost, I buck my hips and spread my legs farther apart. The desperation to have him fill me is overwhelming. David grips my hips, lifts me off the bed and fucking spears me. The battle of good versus evil wages war inside me. One side enjoys having him use me like this while the other wants to claw at the flesh on his back. I want to grab him and ride him hard but I’m not allowed to move.

Maybe next time for his punishment, I’ll make him sit back and watch me masturbate. Tie his hands behind his back so he can’t touch. Hmm, pleasure versus torment. Such a fine line between pleasure and pain.

“Can’t. Hold. Back.” I groan. The louder I get, the faster he moves. All these sensations electrify every inch of me. “David, oh God, David.” I moan as I come, gasping for air.

“Oh god, Jess!” he bellows as he roars through his release. No shit, he literally roars. I’m not sure if I should be turned on or look for a tranq gun.

He removes the retraints. The clamps leave behind a pleasant tingle, and massages my wrists, then draws me into his arms, “Did you enjoy class today,Amor?”

“Un-fucking-believable. I grant you full permission to enslave me anytime, Master.” Our playful banter is one of many perks in our relationship.

He chuckles and gets up to gather our clothes at the same time the dogs tear down the stairs like the house is on fire. David beats them to the front door and as I reach the top of the landing, our eyes meet and he utters two words that stop my heart. “Oh shit.”

Chapter Eleven


“Take the dogs and go upstairs, NOW!” he barks. The tone of his voice and the grave look on his face is enough for me to grab their collars. Unable to control them, David picks them up and hauls them upstairs as I follow behind.

“Stay here until I come and get you,” he orders. If anyone other than him said those words to me I’d have told them to fuck off. But something is wrong and I’ll stay put until he gives the all clear.

Finally about fifteen minutes later, David comes in. “My parents are here.”

“Wait. What? You said they never come unannounced!” I’m freaking out. This isn’t good. The house needs cleaning. I’m a mess. Our room reeks of sex. What. The. Fuck.

“Leave the dogs in our room.” He takes my hand and leads me downstairs. “Don’t worry, Jess, it’ll be fine.”

I wish I had his confidence.

“Mom, Dad, this is my girlfriend, Jessica. Jess, these are my parents, Aurelio and Lourdes Cordova.” I glance between the two stoic faces staring back at me.

His father stands and holds out his hand. Nervously, I placed my shaky hand in his. “It’s nice to meet you, Jessica.”

“Nice to meet you, too, sir.”

“Please, call me Aurelio,” he smiles. Okay, I think I like him. Now for the mother. With a nod and a smile, I turn to face her.

She scowls at me then turns to David, then her deadly glare is back on me. Her contempt for me is crystal clear.“David, que has hecho?”What have you done?

“Mother, Jess is fluent in Spanish,” David smirks, though I wish he hadn’t.
