Page 27 of The Awakening

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David rises. “Why don’t you take off their leashes and let them roam around. They need to determine whether or not it’s a safe place. Don’t worry, there isn’t anything they can hurt.”

Huge flashbacks of the infamous Coach bag incident hit me, but if he’s sure…

We sit in the living room, but keep a watchful eye as they sleuth about. Dash and Violet, the great dog detectives pops into my head and I giggle. David cocks a brow and kisses me, a welcome distraction. I don’t want to think about my problems right now; emotionally, I am spent.

“What if the dogs have to go to the bathroom?” I ask.

“Then you take them outside,” he replies, looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.


“It’s still too light out for me, but you can go out back with them. It’s important to me that you see this house as yours. There’s no need to ask for permission, make yourself at home, Amor.” That sweet, endearing penname has such an effect on me.

“Did you say you rent this house?” I ask.

“I was, but when we decided to go to school here I bought it.” Remote in hand, he begins flipping through the channels like what he just said is no big deal.

He bought it, just like that?

“I have a trust fund that was given to me when I turned eighteen,” he says. I’m sure my gaping mouth eludes to the shock.

Oh shit, I don’t even know when his birthday is. As a girlfriend I truly suck. “Um, when is your birthday?”

“April tenth.”

I slide the phone from my pocket and add that to his contact info. He busts me, shakes his head and laughs. The dogs follow me to the arcadia door, ready to see what’s out there. Carefully, I draw the heavy drapes back that cover it, just enough for us to slip outside but not let any sunlight in. His backyard is well manicured, I expected nothing less. A palm tree stands at each corner of the block fence. Underneath the windows sit perfectly trimmed bushes with tiny purple flowers on them. The swimming pool takes up the vast majority of the yard. The water is so blue it looks like pictures I’ve seen of the Caribbean. And the jacuzzi, I can’t wait to relax in it.

“I didn’t know you had a pool,” I comment as we come back inside.

“Feel free to use it anytime. I haven’t been in it or the jacuzzi,” he replies. “Jess, I hate to bring this up, but have you decided where you’re going to live?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. But I can’t go back there and deal with her anymore.” Well, not dwelling was nice while it lasted. Now, back to your regularly scheduled adulting. Why does the voice in my head sound like an infomercial?

“Agreed. The introduction with the dogs went well, don’t you think?” he asks, but where is he going with this? “You spend most of your time here—which you know I love. The only reason ever went home was to take care of the dogs. I don’t want you to feel rushed or forced into doing something you aren’t comfortable with, but what if you and the dogs move in here, with me?”

I know the look on my face screams ‘deer in the headlights.’ Am I ready to live together? Am I ready to give up my freedom? What freedom, dumbass? You don’t do anything without him as it is. Hush, brain.

David’s never shown me a possessive or jealous side. Maybe things will stay as they are if we live together? Observing my parents over the years, I’ve watched my father get mentally beaten down into a spineless yes man. I refuse to let myself become that same controlling bitch my mother is. I refuse to treat David with such disrespect. I lie down in his lap and contemplate the pros and cons of his offer. David says nothing more, just runs his fingers through my hair and leaves me to my thoughts.


Over the next couple weeks, I run over to my parents’ house and bring more of my stuff to David’s. I haven’t addressed the whole living together subject again with David, I'm just letting myself ease into it my way. David smirks when I show up with more stuff, but says nothing. I keep telling myself I’m not ready for such a big commitment, but when I glance around my empty bedroom I realize I’ve already made it. Closing the front door of my parents’ house for the last time was like a weight had been lifted.

Christmas is just around the corner and I have zero ideas what to get David. With only days left, the pressure is on to get my shopping done. With his sleep schedule I’m usually up hours before him so I decide to head to the mall while he sleeps today and leave a note so he won’t panic.


Went shopping. Be back in a couple of hours.

Love, Jess

Aimlessly, I wander the mall, through the throngs of last-minute shoppers such as myself. Store after store I hope the ideal gift will jump out at me, but the only items I buy are clothes. Creative soul, I do not possess.

I leave his presents in the trunk of my car and go upstairs to wake my sleeping prince. When I lean over to kiss him, he whisks me off my feet and onto the bed, simultaneously removing my clothes and my jeans hit the wall with a thud. He slides a blindfold over my eyes, and cuffs my wrists above my head.

“Leave your arms there, don’t move them,” David directs.

Wow, I guess foreplay has been elevated. I love this take charge in the bedroom side of David.
