Page 33 of The Awakening

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“You’re ruining your life. You’re a prince and yet you choose to live the life of a peasant,” Lourdes snarls.

David’s voice escalates. “Well, Mother, this isn’t your life and this isn’t your choice.”

“Why would you jeopardize everything for this puny, insignificant human?” Jesus, who says shit like that? It’s like she’s plotting to take over the world. Why wouldn’t you be happy that your son was in love? Guess I don’t have the only problematic, unmotherly mother.

“Mother, you just crossed a line and it’s time for you to leave. You won’t be welcomed back until you can learn to treat Jess with the respect she deserves. In her own home.” And there it is, my death sentence, and David just verbally signed it. Am I proud he stood up for me—yes, though it seems he’s forgotten the strength of the army he’s put us at war against.

As quietly as I can, I closed the door. Before I can step away, the guest room door slams. Moments later the sound of a door being ripped from its hinges has the dogs and I running for cover in the depths of our walk-in closet. Not that we are truly safe there, it’s not a panic room, but it’s the closest thing to it my brain could conjure in a moment of need.

“This is not over, not by far, son!” she yells before the front door slams so hard the house shakes.

“Jess, where are you?” David says, though he figures it out before I can reply. “They’re gone and they won’t be back.”

I run straight for his arms. “Are you okay?”

He nuzzles the top of my head. “I will be, but I must warn you my mother has quite the temper.”

I could’ve gone a lifetime without hearing those words.

David tightens his arms around me. “Nothing will happen to you, Amor, I will always be there to protect you.”

“Are you sure I’m the one for you, David?” I so desperately want him to say yes without hesitation though I know I should leave. Is it selfish of me to follow my heart and not my head? To not play the part the movies so often portrayed women in these circumstances in? Oh, my darling, I left so you could lead your life the way you were meant to—without me. It would crush me to play that role and though it may be the right one for David, it's the wrong one for me.

“I love you, Jess. Being with you is the right choice—the only choice for me.” He kisses me deeply, so passionately that all else melts away and I turn to putty in his arms.

Chapter Twelve


Over the next couple months, I remain apprehensive and always on alert. Fear of the unknown is real and partying inside me. Our relationship thrives, school goes great, and we’ve slid into a comfort I’ve yearned for my entire life. Living with someone who wants me there, no longer walking on eggshells or avoiding them and conflict. Initially, I feared we’d have nothing in common and co-habiting would bring a quick end to it all, but that hasn’t been the case.

My favorite time of year is here, spring, and all is well until the Ides of March are upon us. Reciting Shakespeare in your head? I know I am and hope like hell it doesn’t end with an, et tu, Lourdes?

David and I are chilling out, binging another series when the dogs shoot up and to the door. How they knew someone is there when they can’t hear was uncanny to me, but they sense a presence they are not thrilled with. David’s demeanor taking an abrupt turn furthers my apprehension at our unnanounced visitor.

“There’s another vampire here.”

Then, the doorbell rings.

As David opens the front door, he gives Dash and Vi the hand signal to ‘stay.’

“Tristan, how the hell are you?” he greets the person there. “Babe, come here. I want you to meet someone.”

I walk over to meet yet another vampire, wondering if my presence will in turn irritate them as it had Lourdes. I come to an abrupt stop mid-way through the foyer when I lay eyes on this Tristan that David knows. Before me stands the most unbelievably drop-dead gorgeous creature I’ve ever seen.

Dressed in a form-fitting black black slacks, his muscular thighs fill out all the right places. Of course, the top three buttons of his white button-up dress shirt are undone. The outline of his perfectly defined abs are clear as day through the thin material. Tristan stands at the same height as David, blond hair falling just below his shoulder blades. The waves of flaxen locks entrance me. The feeling of lying on a warm beach, sand between my toes, waves breaking in the background plays through my mind. His artic blue irises are captivating, lips a shade of ripe Georgia peaches. Gods, this man is a work of art. Are all vampires this enticing?

Jess, snap out of it! David’s voice internally scolds me.

“Tristan, come in,” David says and then introduces us. “Jess, this is my best friend, Tristan. Tristan, this is my girlfriend, Jess.”

Tristan smiles, takes my hand and presses his lips to the back of it.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Jess,” Tristan says.


“Nice to meet you,” I squeak. Jesus, could this get any more embarassing?
