Page 32 of The Awakening

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Both acknowledge David with a boisterous, “Buenos dias,” and a hug.

Wow, from one family outcast to another. Will I ever get a break? Forever the unpopular kid no matter what table I sit at. The only difference this time is his family could drain me drop by bloody drop.

I pour myself a bowl of cereal and figure it is probably best that I stand at the counter and eat. His parents invite him to go hunting again, but he once again declines. That sets his mother off on a malevolent tirade.

“Son, you cannot live like this. We didn’t raise you to eat cold food!” She grabs a bag from the fridge and slams it on the table. The legs protest, the bag bursts and and shoots blood in all directions. The kitchen is a straight up horror scene.

Calmly Aurelio speaks, though it falls on deaf ears. “Lourdes, the boy is fine, leave him alone.”

Lourdes ignores him. “Humans do not belong in our world. This is a prime example as to why,” she growls at me.

David clenches his jaw and snaps, “Her name is Jessica and it’s a choice I made for me as well as out of respect for her. She’s never asked me not to hunt, nor would she. We have minds of our own and freewill to make our own decisions.”

“Lourdes, come, let’s hunt. You’ll feel better when you’ve had your fill,” Aurelio says, forever the peacemaker.

She stares me down. My stomach lurches and I nearly vomit. Between nerves and the horrific blood scene, I’m teetering on the edge. Suddenly Lourdes storms from the kitchen and out the front door with David’s father following behind.

“I can’t take this anymore. I’m going to a hotel until they leave. She obviously doesn’t like me and it’s really pissing her off that I’m around,” I inform him as I pour the bowl of uneaten cereal down the drain.

“Absolutely not. She’s the one who needs to leave, not you. This is your home and I won’t allow her to treat you this way. She’d never tolerate anyone acting like this in her house.” He runs his fingers through his hair, tugging on the ends. I’ve never seen him this frustrated.

“Have you lost your damn mind? Human versus vampire. How well do you think that will end?” I point out, not sure why he hadn’t envisioned this obvious scenario. It’s going down between Lourdes and me and I won’t be the victorious one.

“She likes very few people,” he says as though that helps.

“Is that supposed to make me feel better?” Seriously. It’s like someone opened a bag of stupid in here. Together we clean the kitchen though I have to stop many times to keep from hurling. I’m surprised that it hasn’t stained the walls.

“Come, Amor, don’t let her ruin our first Christmas together.” He places his hand in mine and leads me to the couch.

We exchange presents while his parents hunt. He loves the shirts and the gifts I got him. David hands me two beautifully wrapped boxes. I do my best to not destroy the wrapping as I open them. Not sure why, it’s not like I scrapbook or anything.

The smaller of the two holds an exquisite emerald and diamond tennis bracelet. It’s hard to contain the rush of emotions that barrel through me. It’s gorgeous and the fact he remembered it’s my birthstone makes it more special. I take my time opening the second one which makes him nuts.

“Just rip the damn paper, Jess,” David complains.

I choose to ignore his outburst and continue. Much to my surprise he’s bought me a purse, a Coach purse. I never would have spent that much money on myself.


Ugh, he spent more on me than I did him. I try not to let that bother me, I know that’s not what the holiday is about. He’s so pleased with himself and my reactions to the gifts that it forces that chip off my shoulder. I scoot over and slide onto his lap. “Thank you so much. I love everything, and most of all, I love you.” There, I finally said it. He knows I love him, I know I love him but my stupid pride and fear of getting hurt has held back those simple words.

“I love you, too, Amor.” He removes the bracelet from the box and clasps it on my wrist.

It’s breathtaking. I feel inferior and undeserving of such lavish gifts. What did I do to win this man over?

After we clean up our mess and let the dogs roam around for a bit, we give Dash and Vi their silly gifts and laugh as they tear them apart like little kids. Paper flies in all directions. I’m beginning to believe David was right—we are soulmates. Everything about us meshes from our thoughts, to our desire to be home rather than out, and our love for the dogs. The way our bodies fit like intricate puzzle pieces is perfect tie in.

Around four-thirty the dogs bolt toward the front door, growling and scratching at it. “Shit,” David says. “My parents are here.”

“I figured as much.” That’s my cue to disappear. “I’m taking the dogs upstairs.”

“Thanks, Jess, I’d like to have a few words with my parents—alone.” There’s no way that conversation won’t make things worse for me. Why won’t he let me leave? It would only be while they’re here then he could enjoy his time with them rather than turning it into the fight I fully anticipate is brewing.

I stand behind the door to our room with it slightly cracked and eavesdrop. “Mother, I’d like a word with you,” David says, his voice leaving no room for argument.

“Yes, David,” Lourdes replies, far too sweetly. She knows what’s coming and how to play her son.

“This is our home, mine and Jess’s. You’ve treated her with disrespect and I do not appreciate that. You’d not stand for that in your home so how could you expect I would in ours?”

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